ko139. book/art/architecture put into the basket Héjj Miklós: Visegrád.Budapest. 1957. Képzőművészeti Alap. 79 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 0.77 EUROMűemlékeink.
Gazdagon illusztrált. |
ko1281. book/art/architecture put into the basket Storno Pál: A soproni Storno-ház.Budapest. 1962. Képzőművészeti Alap. 36 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 0.77 EUROMűemlékeink. |
ko7553. book/art/architecture put into the basket Lees Andrew- LeesLynn Hollen (szerkesztők): A modern metropolisz. Nyugat-európai és amerikai értelmezések, tervek és városfejlesztések századunkban.Budapest. without year. B.F.L. 272 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 1.54 EUROBudapesti Negyed 6-7. szám. |
ko7734. book/art/architecture put into the basket Építők és építtetők.Budapest. 1995. BFL. 238 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.31 EUROBudapesti Negyed 9. szám. |
ko9208. book/art/architecture put into the basket GLI UFFIZI.Firenze. 1966. Sadea/Sansoni. 42 p. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko9209. book/art/architecture put into the basket SAN PIETRO.Firenze. 1966. Sadea/Sansoni. 44 p. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko9868. book/art/architecture put into the basket Henri Stierlin (Hrsg): Maya.without place. without year. Benedikt. 192 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EUROArchitektur der Welt. |
ko9869. book/art/architecture put into the basket Henri Stierlin (Hrsg): Indien.without place. without year. Benedikt. 192 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9870. book/art/architecture put into the basket Stierlin, Henri (Hrsg): Angkor.without place. without year. Benedikt. 192 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9871. book/art/architecture put into the basket Henri Stierlin (Hrsg): Islamisches Indien.without place. without year. Benedikt. 192 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9873. book/art/architecture put into the basket Henri Stierlin (Hrsg): Osmanische Türkei.without place. without year. Benedikt. 192 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9874. book/art/architecture put into the basket Henri Stierlin (Hrsg): Iberischer Barock.without place. without year. Benedikt. 190 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko12268. book/art/architecture put into the basket Joedicke, Jürgen: Modern építészettörténet.Budapest. 1961. Műszaki. 245 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 27x19 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko12283. book/art/architecture put into the basket A MAGYAR MÉRNÖK ÉS ÉPÍTÉSZ-EGYLET XIII. ÉVKÖNYVE.Budapest. 1913. Németh. 240 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x14 cm. price: 3.08 EUROA kötés viseltes. |
ko13852. book/art/architecture put into the basket Genthon István: Magyarország művészeti emlékei.Budapest. 1974. Corvina. 474 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 19x12 cm. shabby. entry by the owner on the title-page. price: 0.77 EURO |
ko15235. book/art/architecture put into the basket Komáromy József: A múzeumépület- a középkori scola építéstörténete.Miskolc. 1960. MB. 20 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 0.51 EURO |
ko15598. book/art/architecture put into the basket Hajdúdorog. Görög katolikus székesegyház.Bp. 1989. TKM. 16 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROKorok-Tájak-Múzeumok Kiskönyvtára. 264. |
ko15656. book/art/architecture put into the basket Recsk. Tájház.Bp. 1981. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 81. |
ko15657. book/art/architecture put into the basket Ráckeve. Savoyai kastély.Bp. 1985. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 186. |
ko15658. book/art/architecture put into the basket Ráckeve. Műemlékek.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 194. |
ko15659. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pécsvárad. Műemlékek.Bp. 1989. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 1330. |
ko15660. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pécs. Székesegyház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 5. |
ko15661. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pécs. Múzeum utca.Bp. 1987. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 287. |
ko15662. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pécs. Az Elefántos Ház épülettömbje.Bp. 1988. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 322. |
ko15663. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pécs-Malom. Középkori templom.Bp. 1987. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 273. |
ko15664. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pásztó. Oskolamester-ház.Bp. 1985. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 219. |
ko15665. book/art/architecture put into the basket Parád. Palóc ház.Bp. 1984. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 148. |
ko15666. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pápa. Római katolikus Nagytemplom.Bp. 1984. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 182. |
ko15668. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pápa. Kékfestő Múzeum.Bp. 1985. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 205. |
ko15669. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pannonhalma. Főapátság.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. |
ko15670. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pannonhalma. Apátsági templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. |
ko15671. book/art/architecture put into the basket Pacin. Bodrogközi Kastélymúzeum.Bp. 1989. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 328. |
ko15672. book/art/architecture put into the basket Ópusztaszer. Nemzeti Emlékpark.Bp. 1981. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 83.
Ceruzás aláhúzások. |
ko15674. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nyírbátor. Báthori István Múzeum.Bp. 1981. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 61. |
ko15675. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagycenk. Kastélypark.Bp. 1986. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 72. |
ko15676. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szirák. Kastélyszálló.Bp. 1986. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 239. |
ko15677. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szilvásvárad. Orbán-ház.Bp. 1984. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 157. |
ko15678. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szigetvár. Török kori műemlékek.Bp. 1987. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 292. |
ko15679. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szenna. Szabadtéri Néprajzi Gyűjtemény.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. |
ko15680. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szekszárd. Béri balog Ádám Múzeum III.Bp. 1982. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 126. |
ko15681. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szekszárd. Béri balog Ádám Múzeum II.Bp. 1982. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 116. |
ko15682. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szekszárd. Béri balog Ádám Múzeum I.Bp. 1982. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 115. |
ko15683. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sárospatak. PlébániatemplomSzekszárd.Bp. 1987. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 60. |
ko15684. book/art/architecture put into the basket Salgó. Természetvédelmi terület.Bp. 1983. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 144. |
ko15685. book/art/architecture put into the basket Somontornya. Vár.Bp. 1983. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 138. |
ko15686. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nyírbátor. Minorita templom.Bp. 1980. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 56. |
ko15687. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nyírbátor. Református templom.Bp. 1983. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. |
ko15690. book/art/architecture put into the basket Komlóska. Tájház.Bp. 1982. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 101. |
ko15691. book/art/architecture put into the basket Kiszombor.Bp. 1987. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 296. |
ko15692. book/art/architecture put into the basket Kisvárda. Vár.Bp. 1980. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 53. |
ko150. book/art/general art put into the basket Artner Tivadar: Évezredek művészete.Budapest. 1965. Gondolat. 604 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x18 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány. |
ko1708. book/art/general art put into the basket Alexej Pludek: Carolus Quartus.Prague, Prag. 1978. Orbis Press. 74 p. illustrated. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 31x31 cm. price: 1.54 EURORomanorum iperator et Boemie rex.
Charles IV Roman emperor and king of Bohemia Karl IV. Römischer kaiser und könig von Böhmen Charles IV empereur Romain et roi de Boheme English, German, French. |
ko3374. book/art/general art put into the basket Kerber, Bernhard: Amerikanische Kunst seit 1945.Stuttgart. 1971. Reclam. 228 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko5672. book/art/general art put into the basket Realizmus a nyugat művészetében.Budapest. 1964. Képzőművészeti Alap. 173 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 0.77 EURO |
ko5900. book/art/general art put into the basket Galavics Géza: Későreneszánsz és korabarokk. (Jegyzetek a 17. század első felének hazai művészetéhez).Budapest. without year. Akadémiai. 49 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 1.28 EUROKülönlenyomat. Ceruzás aláhúzások. |
ko6044. book/art/general art put into the basket Müller, K(arl) O(tried),: HANDBUCH DER ARCHäOLOGIE DER KUNST.Breslau. 1835. Josef Max Und Komp. 720 p. half cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. stamped title-page. price: 15.38 EURO |
ko7478. book/art/general art put into the basket SELECTION FROM THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM COLLECTION. 1900-1970.New York. 1970. Guggenheim Foundation. 437 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 25x20 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko7754. book/art/general art put into the basket Szívós Erika (szerkesztő): Művészet a városban.Budapest. 2001. BFL. 323 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.05 EUROBudapesti negyed 32-33. szám. |
ko8020. book/art/general art put into the basket Mueller, Gustav Adolf (Hrsg.): Deutschlands, Oesterreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz Gelehrte, Künstler und Schriftsteller in Wort und Bild.Leipzig-Gohlis. 1908. Volger. 606 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 25x16 cm. price: 23.08 EUROAz első levél kijár. |
ko8274. book/art/general art put into the basket Clark Kenneth: Nézeteim a civilizációról.Budapest. 1985. Gondolat. 386 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko8384. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1961-1962. BAND XVII.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 548 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. big rip on spine. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko8385. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1963-1964. BAND XIX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 552 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EUROGerincen szakadás. |
ko8386. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1964-1965. BAND XX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 560 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8387. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1967-1968. BAND XXIII.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 551 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8388. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1974-1975. BAND XXX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 590 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8389. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1968-1969. BAND XXIV.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 555 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko9549. book/art/general art put into the basket Németh Lajos (szerkesztő): Magyar művészet 1890-1919. I-II. köt.Budapest. 1981. Akadémiai. 1284 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 6.41 EUROA második kötet képkötet
Gerincen benyomódás. |
ko9701. book/art/general art put into the basket Hauser, Arnold: A modern művészet és irodalom eredete. A manierizmus fejlődése a reneszánsz válsága óta.Budapest. 1980. Gondolat. 519 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko9702. book/art/general art put into the basket Hauser, Arnold: A művészet szociológiája.Budapest. 1982. Gondolat. 894 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko9703. book/art/general art put into the basket Hauser, Arnold: A művészet és irodalom társadalomtörténete. I-II.köt.Budapest. 1980. Gondolat. 857 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10192. book/art/general art put into the basket AUS DER WELT DER MUSEEN.GROSSE SAMMLUNGEN IN ALLER WELT.München. without year. Thiemig. 136 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10729. book/art/general art put into the basket Szili Jószef: A művészi visszatükrözés szerkezete. A művészet ismeretelméleti kérdései Christopher Caudwell és Lukács György esztétikájában.Budapest. 1981. Akadémiai. 179 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko10799. book/art/general art put into the basket Alpatov: A művészet története. I-II. köt.Budapest. 1963. Képzőművészeti. 905 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x22 cm. price: 3.08 EUROA védőborító hiányzik. |
ko10844. book/art/general art put into the basket Broby-Johansen, Rudolf: KUNST- UND STILFIBEL.München. 1988. Gondrom. 356 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 21x13 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko10855. book/art/general art put into the basket Aradi Nóra: A katedrálistól az ipari formáig.Budapest. 1967. Kossuth. 236 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x11 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko11794. book/art/general art put into the basket Székely András: Az ókori kelet művészete.Budapest. 1983. Képzőművészeti. 383 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 19x12 cm. shabby. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko12924. book/art/general art put into the basket THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM.Budapest. 1992. Corvina. 188 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko13704. book/art/general art put into the basket Woermann, Karl: VON APELLES ZU BöCKLIN UND WEITER. GESAMMELTE KUNSTGESCHICHTLICHE AUFSäTZE.Eszlingen. 1912. Paul Neff. halfleather. German language.size: 26x17 cm. shabby. price: 3.85 EURO286, 315 p. |
ko13851. book/art/general art put into the basket Solymár István (szerkesztő): A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria gyűjteményei.Budapest. 1975. Corvina. 270 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 1.28 EUROA védőborítón szakadás. |
ko14102. book/art/general art put into the basket SCHäTZE DER BERLINER MUSEEN.Berlin. 1979. without publisher. 191 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x24 cm. price: 1.54 EUROA védőborító kopott. |
ko14103. book/art/general art put into the basket Swanson-Bray-Farrington: AMERIKA.Erlangen. 1991. Karl Müller. 151 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 28x22 cm. price: 1.54 EUROKunst und Kultur alter Völker. |
ko14279. book/art/general art put into the basket Toman, Rolf .(Herausgegeben): DIE KUNST DES BAROCK. ARCHITEKTUR. SKULPTUR. MALEREI.Köln. 1997. Könemann. 503 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x27 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
ko14552. book/art/general art put into the basket Auboyer-Goepper: Der Ferne Osten.Gütersloh. 1967. Bertelsmann. 176 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. shabby. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko14553. book/art/general art put into the basket Kitson, Michael: BAROCK UND ROKOKO.Gütersloh. 1968. Bertelsmann. 175 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko15036. book/art/general art put into the basket Kristeller, Paul Oskar: Szellemi áramlatok a reneszánszban.Budapest. 1979. Magvető. 72 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x10 cm. price: 0.77 EURO |
ko15205. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL SEICENTO E SETTECENTO.Milano. 1966. Touring Club. 112 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 1.28 EUROConosci L'Italia. volume X. |
ko15206. book/art/general art put into the basket ARTE E CIVILTA NELL' ITALIA ANTICA.Milano. 1960. Touring Club. 256 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko15207. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL RINASCIMENTO.Milano. 1962. Touring Club. 208 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko15467. book/art/general art put into the basket Venchierutti- Manno -Codato: Velence művészete - Képes kalauz.Bp. 623. 2005. 623 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 22x13 cm. price: 11.54 EUROEz a kötet "tárlatvezetés" a mesésen gazdag, műremekekkel teli, csodálatos Velencében. Könnyen kezelhető, zsebkönyv méretű, mégis rengeteg hasznos tudnivalóval szolgáló útikalauz, ame... |
ko16199. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-Jahrbuch 1978-1979 Band XXXIV.München. 1979. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 758 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.15 EUROA gerinc alján szakadás.
Gazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16200. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-JAHRBUCH 1980 BAND XXXVA-B.München. 1980. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 1235 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 12.31 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16201. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-JAHRBUCH 1981 BAND XXXVIA.München. 1981. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 734 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.15 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16202. book/art/general art put into the basket AUKTIONPREISE IM KUNSTPREIS JAHRBUCH. 2001. 56. JAHRGANG.München. 2001. Weltkunst Verlag. 837 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 7.18 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16203. book/art/general art put into the basket ART PRICE INDICATOR 98.Paris. without year. Ehrmann. paperbinding. French language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko16739. book/art/general art put into the basket Genthon István (összeállította): Esztergom műemlékei. Magyarország műemléki topográfiája. 1. rész. Teljes.Bp. 1948. M.O.B. 387 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 26x19 cm. price: 15.38 EUROÉrvénytelen tulajdonosi bélyegzővel. Kopott, Gerinc tetején beszakadás. |
ko16747. book/art/general art put into the basket Passuth Krisztina: Magyar művészek az európai avantgarde-ban. 1919-1925.Bp. 1974. Corvina. 203 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko1716. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gute Partien in Zeichnung und Kolorit.without place. without year. Der Akademie Der Künste. 343 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 30x21 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
ko1723. book/art/fine art put into the basket Fortbildung von Lehrern aller Schularten im Bereich graphischer Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten Ein Modellversuch.Stuttgart. 1986. Edition Cantz. 326 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x23 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko2176. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kondrad Haemmerling: Wm Hogarth.Dresden. 1962. Sachsenverlag. 153 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 25x23 cm. price: 1.54 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány. Kopott. |
ko3494. book/art/fine art put into the basket Fenyő Iván: Dürer 1471-1528.Budapest. 1964. Képzőművészeti Alap. 32 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x13 cm. price: 0.77 EURO50 t. illusztráció. |
ko4439. book/art/fine art put into the basket Rácz István: A vikingek öröksége.Budapest. 1983. Képzőművészeti. 44 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 2.31 EURO16 t. színes és 179 t. fekete-fehér illusztráció. |
ko6642. book/art/fine art put into the basket Tasnádi Attila: Cs. Kovács László.Budapest. 1985. Képzőművészeti. 62 p. dedicated. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
ko6971. book/art/fine art put into the basket Farkas Zoltán: Paál László.Budapest. 1954. Képzőművészeti. 61 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x21 cm. shabby. price: 1.28 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány. |
ko7477. book/art/fine art put into the basket Sweet Frederick: JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER.Chicago. 1968. M.W.P.I. 131 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 25x18 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EUROJames McNeill Whistler
American Tonalist Painter and Printmaker, 1834-1903. |
ko7484. book/art/fine art put into the basket John Rothenstein: EDWARD BURRA.London. 1973. Tate Gallery. 100 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 21x21 cm. price: 2.31 EUROEdward Burra
(29 March 1905 – 22 October 1976) was an English painter,. |
ko8700. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kurth, Julius: DER JAPANISCHE HOLZSCHNITT.München. 1921. Piper. 172 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
ko9182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Vallier, Dora: HENRI ROUSSEAU.Vaduz. 1990. Bonfini Press. 95 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.33 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9183. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gauthier Maximilien Von: RENOIR.München. 1977. Südwest. 93 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.28 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9184. book/art/fine art put into the basket Diehl, Gaston: F. LÉGER.without place. 1985. Crown. 96 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9185. book/art/fine art put into the basket Huyghe, Von René: VAN GOGH.München. without year. Südwest. 94 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor and black and white pictures. |
ko9188. book/art/fine art put into the basket Heller Nancy G: KÜNSTLERINNEN VON DER RENAISSANCE BIS ZUR GEGENWART.Köln. 1989. VGS. 224 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 29x26 cm. price: 4.1 EUROcolor and black and white pictures. |
ko9197. book/art/fine art put into the basket Szíj Rezső: Z. Soós István művészete.Budapest. 1982. KT. 227 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x23 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9202. book/art/fine art put into the basket LUCAS CRANACH.Leningrad. 1976. Aurora. 38 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 32x23 cm. price: 1.03 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9226. book/art/fine art put into the basket Tiziano.Budapest. 1984. Corvina. 34 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9227. book/art/fine art put into the basket Nicolas Poussin.Budapest. 1985. Corvina. 38 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9231. book/art/fine art put into the basket National Gallery.Budapest. 1988. Corvina. 108 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko9245. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lecaldano, Paolo: GOYA. DIE SCHRECKEN DES KRIEGES.München. 1976. List Verlag. 239 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9250. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bilzer-Eyssen-Stelzer: DAS GROSSE BUCH DER KUNST.Braunschweig. 1960. Westermann. 584 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko9252. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mavrodin, Irina: POUSSIN.Bukarest. 1981. Meridiane. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9253. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mocanu, Virgil: TINTORETTO.Bayreuth. 1978. Gondrom. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko9254. book/art/fine art put into the basket Schileru, Eugen: DER IMRESSIONISMUS.Bucuresti. 1978. Meridiane. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9269. book/art/fine art put into the basket Székely András: SPANISH PAINTING.Budapest. 1989. Corvina. 79 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 24x21 cm. price: 0.77 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9275. book/art/fine art put into the basket Dali.Milano. without year. Master International. 91 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.54 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9278. book/art/fine art put into the basket Levey Michael: A festészet rövid története.Budapest. 1974. Corvina. 324 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 22x15 cm. shabby. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko9280. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lajta Edit: Korai francia festészet.Budapest. 1973. Corvina. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x21 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9281. book/art/fine art put into the basket Giuseppe De Logu-Mario Abis: A velencei festészet fénykora.Budapest. 1975. Corvina. 103 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x21 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko9299. book/art/fine art put into the basket Boskovits Miklós: Botticelli.Budapest. 1963. Képzőművészeti. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x23 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko9311. book/art/fine art put into the basket Crispolti, Enrico: IL SURREALISMO.Milano. 1969. Fratelli Fabbri. 100 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Italian language.size: 30x24 cm. price: 3.08 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9312. book/art/fine art put into the basket Ragon, Michel: L'EXPRESSIONNISME.Lausanne. 1966. Rencontre. 207 p. boarding. French language.size: 27x17 cm. price: 1.28 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko9314. book/art/fine art put into the basket Foerster, Rolf Hellmut: DIE WELT DES BAROCK.München-Wien-Basel. 1970. Kurt Desch. 367 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x18 cm. price: 2.31 EUROA védőborító szakadt. |
ko9379. book/art/fine art put into the basket KONRAD WITZ.Milano. 1965. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
84. |
ko9385. book/art/fine art put into the basket Parmigianino.Milano. 1964. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
24. |
ko9393. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bruegel.Milano. 1963. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 1.54 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
11 A borítón apró sérülés. |
ko9396. book/art/fine art put into the basket Longhi.Milano. 1964. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
21. |
ko9401. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bramantino.Milano. 1965. Fratelli Fabbri. paperbinding. Italian language.size: 35x26 cm. price: 2.31 EUROI Maestri Del Colore.
81. |
ko9453. book/art/fine art put into the basket A korai középkor.Budapest. 1995. Corvina. 315 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 7.69 EUROA Művészet története. |
ko9669. book/art/fine art put into the basket James Enson.Zürich. 1983. Kunsthaus. 372 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x24 cm. price: 6.15 EURO |
ko9670. book/art/fine art put into the basket Klindenger: GOYA UND DIE DEMOKRATISCHE TRADITION SPANIENS.Berlin. 1971. Henschelverlag. 357 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko10181. book/art/fine art put into the basket Terrasse, Antoine: EDGAR DEGAS.München. 1973. Schuler. 94 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Hautecoeur, Louis: GEORGES SEURAT.München. 1974. Schuler. 94 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko10804. book/art/fine art put into the basket Rózsa György: A Történelmi Képcsarnok legszebb festményei.Budapest. 1977. M. Helikon-Corvina. 36 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 26x19 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko10808. book/art/fine art put into the basket Lexikon der modernen Plastik.München-Zürich. 1964. Knaur. 375 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko11310. book/art/fine art put into the basket Die Sammlungen des Künigsschlosses auf dem Wawel.Warsaw. 1975. Arkady. 430 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x25 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko11312. book/art/fine art put into the basket Raffaello festői életműve.Budapest. 1983. Corvina. 132 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 1.28 EUROA művészet klasszikusai. |
ko11799. book/art/fine art put into the basket Moszynska, Anna: ABSTRACT ART. WITH 162 ILLUSTRATIONS, 25 IN COLOUR.London. 1993. Thames & Hudson. 240 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko12258. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kugler, Georg J. (szerkesztő): Kunsthistorisches Museum. Bécs.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 160 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko754. book/art/applied art put into the basket Albrecht Bangert: Kunst-und Antiquitatenmarkt (Auktionen, Preise, Expertisen).München. 1983. Mosaik. 159 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko1261. book/art/applied art put into the basket Lívia Nékám: Meissen Porzellain.Budapest. 1980. Corvina. 44 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 18x17 cm. shabby. price: 0.77 EURO |
ko4394. book/art/applied art put into the basket Karl Berling: Altes Zinn.Berlin. 1920. Richard Carl Schmidt. 245 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 22x15 cm. big rip on spine. price: 9.23 EUROEIN HANDBUCH FÜR SAMMLER UND LIEBHABER. |
ko4776. book/art/applied art put into the basket Dvorszky Hedvig (szerk): Design a forma művészete.Budapest. 1979. Képzőművészeti Alap. 297 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 19x13 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko5314. book/art/applied art put into the basket Rottenburg, Diöcese: RIRCHENSCHMUD FINURCHIO FűR TIRCHLICHE RUNFTSCHőPFUNGEN UND CHRISTLICHE ALTERTHUMSKUNDE.Stuttgart. 1859. Frauen=Zeitung. 96 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 9.23 EURO |
ko5316. book/art/applied art put into the basket Rottenburg, Diőcese: KIRCHENSCHMUCK.Stuttgart. 1865. Frauen=Zeitung. 64 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 24x18 cm. small rip on spine. price: 9.23 EUROA könyvtest elvált a kötéstáblától. |
ko6363. book/art/applied art put into the basket Buß, Georg: DER FÄCHER. (A legyző története).Bielefeld Und Leipzig. 1904. Verlag Von Velhagen & Klasin. 139 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 26x18 cm. stained. shabby. small rip on spine. price: 11.54 EUROSammlung illustrierter Monographien. |
ko8010. book/art/applied art put into the basket JANNEAU GUILLAUME: LE LUMINAIRE DE L'ANTIQUITE AU XIX SIECLE - 105 ILLUSTRATIONS.Paris. 1934. D'ART R. DUCHER. 62 p. illustrated. boarding. French language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 7.69 EUROGyertyatartó, világítás, lámpa. |
ko8275. book/art/applied art put into the basket Porzellansammlung im Zwinger.Dresden. 1985. without publisher. 130 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko13598. book/art/applied art put into the basket Domanovszky György: A kerámiaművészet kezdetei.Budapest. 1981. Képzőművészeti. 276 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko13787. book/art/applied art put into the basket Pálosi Judit: A magyar gobelinszövés húsz éve. 1960-1980.Budapest. 1994. Tevan. 86 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 27x23 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko15037. book/art/applied art put into the basket Menzhausen, Joachim: DAS GRüNE GEWöLBE.Leipzig. 1968. Edition Leipzig. 141 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko15214. book/art/applied art put into the basket MAGYAR IPARMŰVÉSZET.Budapest. 1910. OMIT. 372 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x23 cm. shabby. small rip on spine. price: 41.03 EUROSzerkesztette: Györgyi Kálmán
Teljes. |
ko15215. book/art/applied art put into the basket MAGYAR IPARMŰVÉSZET.Budapest. 1914. OMIT. 492 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x23 cm. shabby. price: 23.08 EUROSzerkesztette: Györgyi Kálmán
A VIII. melléklet hiányzik. |
ko16587. book/art/applied art put into the basket Lanz-Schmid-Strahalm: SILBER DER öSTERREICHISCH-UNGARISCHEN MONARCHIE.Graz. 1987. Strahalm. 212 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 30x22 cm. price: 9.23 EUROA kötéstábla szélén beszakadás, sérülés. |
ko16764. book/art/applied art put into the basket Az Iparművészet Könyve. I-III.köt.Bp. 2002. Babits. 1811 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 23.08 EUROA 1902–1912-es kiadás hasonmása. |
ko8928. book/art/ex libris, graphics put into the basket Ex libris kiállítás.Budapest. 1964. Kisgrafika B. K. 51 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 22x16 cm. price: 1.03 EUROA címlap verzóján tulajdonosi bélyegző. |
ko16177. book/art/ex libris, graphics put into the basket Tóth Ervin: Gáborjáni Szabó Kálmán.Debrecen. 1963. Déri Múzeum Baráti Köre. 36 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 6.15 EURO33 t. kép. |
ko16178. book/art/ex libris, graphics put into the basket Kajári Gyula élete és munkássága.Hódmezővásárhely. 1996. Kajári Emlékalapítvány. 17 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 7.69 EURO70 t. kép.
Számozott: 243. sz. példány. |