ko16220. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ARCHIV FüR PSYCHIATRIE UND NERVENKRANKHEITEN XIV. BAND.Berlin. 1883. Hirschwald. 773 p. halfleather. German language.size: 23x15 cm. shabby. price: 15.38 EURO7 t. litográfia
Sérült hiányos gerinc. |
ko16221. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ARCHIV FüR PSYCHIATRIE UND NERVENKRANKHEITEN 47. BAND.Berlin. 1910. Hirschwald. 1384 p. half cloth binding. German language.size: 23x15 cm. shabby. price: 23.08 EURO19 t. litográfia. |
ko16222. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ARCHIV FüR PSYCHIATRIE UND NERVENKRANKHEITEN 43. BAND 1-2 HEFT.Berlin. 1907. Hirschwald. 1361 p. half cloth binding. German language.size: 23x15 cm. shabby. price: 15.38 EURO7+2 t. litográfia
Az első 8 lap foltos. |
ko16216. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket CHUSID-MCDONALD: CORRELATIVE NEUROANATOMY & FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY.Los Altos. 1967. Lange. 432 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 25x18 cm. stained. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko16208. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket SYMPOSIUM ON NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASES.Philadelphia-London. 1945. Saunders. 268 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 23x15 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko16209. book/psychology put into the basket Stern, William: ALLGEMEINE PSYGHOLOGIE AUF PERSONALISTISCHER GRUNDLAGE. ERSTE LIEFERUNG.Haag. 1935. Martinus Nijhoff. 364 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 25x16 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko16210. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ZEITSCHRIFT FüR DIE GESAMTE NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE. 172. BAND 5. HEFT.Berlin. 1941. Springer. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. shabby. price: 2.05 EURO668-829 p. |
ko16211. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ZEITSCHRIFT FüR DIE GESAMTE NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE. 176. BAND 3. HEFT.Berlin. 1943. Springer. paperbinding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. shabby. price: 2.05 EURO326-484 p. |
ko16213. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket JOURNAL PSYCHOLOGIE UND NEUROLOGIE. 50. BAND. 3-6. HEFT.Leipzig. 1942. Barth. 364 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x20 cm. big rip on spine. price: 2.31 EUROKopott, foltos, hátlap lejár. |
ko16215. book/psychology put into the basket Hess: VEGETATIVE FUNKTIONEN UND ZWISCHENHIRN.Basel. (1947). Schwabe. 65 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. stained. price: 2.05 EUROHorányi Béla prof. bélyegzőjével. |
ko16212. book/medical/Psychiatry, Neurology put into the basket ZEITSCHRIFT FüR DIE GESAMTE NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE. 172. BAND 2-4. HEFT.Berlin. 1941. Springer. paperbinding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. big rip on spine. price: 3.08 EURO182-666 p. |
ko12475. book/school history, education put into the basket Rudnianski, Jaroslaw: Hogyan tanuljunk?.Budapest. 1974. Tankönykiadó. 232 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. shabby. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko13401. book/medical/ put into the basket Brencsán János: Új orvosi szótár.Budapest. 1983. Akadémiai. 544 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko12058. book/cook book, gastronomy put into the basket Hatvany Lili: Ételművészet, életművészet.Budapest. 1986. Kentaur. 252 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 22x14 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko13433. book/medical/ put into the basket Gordon, Neil F: Diabetes. Cukorbetegség és testedzés.Budapest. 1993. Print. 144 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 22x14 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko558. book/cook book, gastronomy put into the basket Barta Miklós: Mindennapi gyümölcseink ételben és italban.Budapest. 1987. Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó. 110 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x29 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko1850. book/geography, cartography, travel put into the basket Sailer-Bloss: Izrael.Budapest. 1989. Polyglott. 64 p. illustrated. pamphlet. Hungarian language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko8832. book/fort history put into the basket Kovács András: Fogaras várkastély.Kolozsvár. 1996. without publisher. 16 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko14913. book/geography, cartography, travel put into the basket Térképek Zala megye történetéből.Zalaegerszeg. 1980. Göcsej Múzeum. 11 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 21x14 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko8389. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1968-1969. BAND XXIV.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 555 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8388. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1974-1975. BAND XXX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 590 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8387. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1967-1968. BAND XXIII.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 551 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8386. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1964-1965. BAND XX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 560 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko8385. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1963-1964. BAND XIX.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 552 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. price: 4.62 EUROGerincen szakadás. |
ko8384. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREISVERZEICHNIS 1961-1962. BAND XVII.München. without year. Kunst Und Technik. 548 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x14 cm. shabby. big rip on spine. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko16199. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-Jahrbuch 1978-1979 Band XXXIV.München. 1979. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 758 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.15 EUROA gerinc alján szakadás.
Gazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16200. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-JAHRBUCH 1980 BAND XXXVA-B.München. 1980. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 1235 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 12.31 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16201. book/art/general art put into the basket KUNSTPREIS-JAHRBUCH 1981 BAND XXXVIA.München. 1981. Kunst Und Technik Verlags GMBH. 734 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 6.15 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16202. book/art/general art put into the basket AUKTIONPREISE IM KUNSTPREIS JAHRBUCH. 2001. 56. JAHRGANG.München. 2001. Weltkunst Verlag. 837 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 7.18 EUROGazdagon illusztrált. |
ko16203. book/art/general art put into the basket ART PRICE INDICATOR 98.Paris. without year. Ehrmann. paperbinding. French language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko16204. book/literature/Hungarian literature put into the basket Csányi Vilmos: Malion és Thea.Bp. 2005. Kossuth. 169 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x13 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko16206. book/literature/Hungarian literature put into the basket Csányi Vilmos: Kannibálok.Bp. 2008. Kalligram. 197 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 21x13 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko16207. book/literature/Hungarian literature put into the basket Csányi Vilmos: Kisfiam Ikarosz.Bp. 2011. Kalligram. 366 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 21x13 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko15260. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 3.Aachen. 1977. Radtke. 671 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. small rip on spine. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko15261. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 5.Aachen. 1979. Radtke. 631 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. stained. small rip on spine. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko15262. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 6.Aachen. 1980. Radtke. 719 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko15263. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 7.Aachen. 1981. Radtke. 790 p. boarding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. small rip on spine. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko15264. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 9.Aachen. 1984. Radtke. 935 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 5.13 EURO |
ko15265. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 10.Aachen. 1985. Radtke. 997 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 5.13 EURO |
ko15266. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 12.Aachen. 1987. Radtke. 1111 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 6.15 EURO |
ko15267. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 15.Aachen. 1990. Radtke. 1424 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 7.18 EURO |
ko15268. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 16.Aachen. 1991. Radtke. 1344 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 7.18 EURO |
ko15269. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 21.Aachen. 1998. Radtke. 1380 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. shabby. price: 9.23 EURO |
ko15270. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 22.Aachen. 1999. Radtke. 1410 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 10.26 EURO |
ko15271. book/bibliography put into the basket TASCHENBUCH DER AUKTIONPREISE ALTER BÜCHER. BAND 23.Aachen. 2000. Radtke. 1370 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
ko16194. book/occultism, mysticism put into the basket Szepes Mária: Az álom mágiája. Tervezzük meg álmainkat.Bp. 1998. Édesvíz. 237 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko16198. book/literature/world literature put into the basket Joyce, James: Ulysses.Bp. 1986. Európa. 970 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 19x11 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko16183. book/old paper put into the basket MAURER ALBERT föszolgabíró, gyászjelentés.Bp. 1940. without publisher. 1 p. . Hungarian language.size: 23x30 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko16184. book/old paper put into the basket özv. Sántha Kálmánné Návay Erzsébet, kertészetének árjegyzéke.without place. without year. without publisher. 1 p. . Hungarian language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 2.31 EUROözv. Sántha Kálmánné Návay Erzsébet,(1859–1928)
(mostohaapja Görgey István) Irodalom: Szőke Mátyás: A Görgey, Návay és Latinovits családok Visegrádon Visegrád. 2014. |
ko16186. book/old paper put into the basket A Schönherr család részvétnyílvánító kártyája, Schönherr Gyula elhalálozásakor.Nagybánya. 1908. without publisher. 1 p. . Hungarian language.size: 9x11 cm. price: 1.03 EUROSchönherr Gyula (Nagybánya, 1864. szept. 26. – Nagybánya, 1908. márc. 24.): történész, az MTA l. tagja (1896). Tanulmányait a bp.-i egy. jogi karán és a bécsi történeti intézetben vég... |