me4755. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Román paraszt viselet. Ein Wallache aus dem Gebirge.Brüssel-Leipzig. 1847. lithography.size: 15x10 cm. page: 26x16 cm. price: 10.26 EURO+ paszpartu 900,- Ft. |
me4756. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Rutén paraszt ,magyarországi. (Nő és férfi alak) Ruthenischer Bauer aus Marmiros. (Máramaros, Erdély).Berlin. ca. 1880. steel engraving.size: 19x11 cm. page: 28x19 cm. price: 23.08 EURO+ paszpartu 1800,- Ft. |
me3257. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Slovakische Bäuerin aus dem Pressburger Comitat (Ungarn) in Festtracht.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROSlovakia, Hungary. |
me3256. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Kalmückischer Priester , Russland.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROKalmykia. |
me3255. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Bessarabisches Mädchen aus der Gegend von Chotin, Russland.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EURO |
me3252. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Perser aus Khoi.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. implosion on the margin. price: 10.26 EUROPersia. |
me4760. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Nagy frigyes polgái viseletben. Friedrich der Grosse in bürgerlicher Keidung. Um 1780.Berlin. ca. 1880. wood engraving.size: 19x11 cm. page: 28x19 cm. price: 10.26 EURO+ paszpartu 900,- Ft. |
me4759. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Nagy Frigyes egyenruhában. Friedrich der Grosse in Uniform (Interimsrock der Potsdamer Garde). Um 1780.Berlin. ca. 1880. wood engraving.size: 19x11 cm. page: 28x19 cm. price: 10.26 EURO+ paszpartu 900,- Ft. |
me3239. engraving/Portrait/Germany put into the basket Friedrich der Grosse in bürgerlicher Kleidung Um 1780.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EURO |
me3241. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienischer Jüngling.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3242. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Lombardischer Edelmann Um 1450.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3243. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienischer Hauptmann 1490.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3244. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Vornehmer Florentiner Mitte des XV. Jahrhunderts.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3245. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienische Kindertracht Um 1514.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3246. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Florentinerin Fünfzehntes Jahrhundert.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3247. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Ciociare aus dem Sabinergebirge.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROItaly. |
me3249. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Indischer Bogenschütze XV. Jahrhundert.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROIndia. |
me3258. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Kroatisches Bauernmädchen.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.26 EUROCroatia. |
me4631. engraving/Ex libris/Austrian put into the basket Michael Fingesten: Arady dr. könyve.without year. Etching.size: 16x12 cm. page: 22x18 cm. price: 38.46 EURO |
me3399. engraving/city view/France put into the basket Ansicht von Paris vom Montmarte aus genommen.Prag. 1808. copper engraving.size: 18x25 cm. page: 22x32 cm. stained outside the picture. folded. price: 10.26 EURO |
me197. engraving/city view/Swiss city view, life picture put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: De Germania Urfina siuitas, uulgo Bernenfis, ad hunc Chrifti annum 1549. exarata (Bern).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 25x30 cm. page: 32x40 cm. intact margin. price: 115.38 EUROCosmographia. |
me202. engraving/city view/Swiss city view, life picture put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Solothurn.Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 25x30 cm. page: 31x40 cm. stained. price: 92.31 EUROCosmographia. |
me443. engraving/city view/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Lindau.Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 27x36 cm. page: 31x39 cm. stained. price: 92.31 EUROCosmographia
minimális beszakadás. |
me1283. engraving/city view/Germany put into the basket Merian, Matthäus: Obsidio Civitatis Lindavien. ( Lindau) Bodeni tó, Bodensee.1647. copper engraving.size: 22x38 cm. page: 30x40 cm. price: 115.38 EURO |
me4892. engraving/city view/Hungary/Budapest put into the basket Grimm [Vince]: Erinnerung an Pesth und Ofen im März 1838. ( A pesti árvíz 1838).Pest. without year. lithography.size: 20x28 cm. page: 37x48 cm. price: 102.56 EUROA szélén javított beszakadások.
Gerszi: Grimm Vince/5. |
me3548. engraving/Music, dance put into the basket Dertinger: Der blinde Harfner. L'arpista cieco.Triest. ca.1860. steel engraving.size: 17x13 cm. page: 31x22 cm. price: 10.26 EURO |
me3556. engraving/theater, circus put into the basket Payne: Chinesisches steel engraving.size: 11x15 cm. page: 18x25 cm. price: 12.82 EURO |
me2605. engraving/Music, dance put into the basket Lemaitre (artist)-Lebas (engraver): Concert.Paris. ca.1840. copper engraving.size: 14x10 cm. page: 22x13 cm. price: 12.82 EURO |
me2609. engraving/Music, dance put into the basket Müller (artist)-Klaus (engraver): Die Lautenspielerin.München. ca.1870. copper engraving.size: 17x11 cm. page: 27x17 cm. price: 10.26 EURO |
me3862. engraving/Music, dance put into the basket French, W: Liebesklänge.Dresden. ca.1860. steel engraving.size: 17x12 cm. page: 27x20 cm. stained outside the picture. price: 10.26 EURO |
me4493. engraving/city view/Hungary/countryside put into the basket Pierre Van Der Aa: Tokaj, Munkács, Nagyvárad.Leyden. 1729. copper engraving.size: 33x40 cm. page: 36x47 cm. price: 461.54 EUROMegjelent: Pierre van der Aa: La Galerie agréable du Monde….. Hongrie
Szalai/Tokaj 1729/1 Szalai/Munkács/1729/1 Szalai/ Nagyvárad/1729/1 Az ábrázolások Bouttats 2 sorozatának másolata. ... |
me5108. engraving/animal/Insect, butterfly, beetle put into the basket Torlix viridana.London. 1896. lithography.size: 18x12 cm. price: 10.26 EUROPaszpartu mérete: 25x19. |
me5111. engraving/animal/Insect, butterfly, beetle put into the basket Philosamia lunula, larva.London. 1896. lithography.size: 18x12 cm. price: 10.26 EUROPaszpartu mérete: 25x19. |
me4230. engraving/Bank, stock exchange put into the basket An der Bö Mü 1870. wood engraving.size: 22x31 cm. page: 23x32 cm. in green paspartu. price: 9.23 EURO |
me4231. engraving/Bank, stock exchange put into the basket Die Börse in Buenos-Anres.1892. wood engraving.size: 23x31 cm. page: 24x32 cm. in green paspartu. price: 9.23 EURO |
me4337. engraving/animal/Insect, butterfly, beetle put into the basket Oenetus lignivorus. Hepiatus sylvinus.London. 1896. lithography.size: 18x12 cm. price: 10.26 EUROKérésre paszpartut készítünk. |
me4335. engraving/animal/Insect, butterfly, beetle put into the basket Perigonia glaucescens. Eulophura sardanus. Pterogon raurae.London. 1896. lithography.size: 18x12 cm. price: 10.26 EUROKérésre paszpartut készítünk. |
me3880. engraving/Erotic put into the basket Michael Von Zichy (Zichy Mihály): Liebe.Leipzig. 1911. Heliogravure.size: 19x14 cm. page: 30x39 cm. stained. price: 23.08 EUROZichy Mihály (Zala, 1827. okt. 14. – Szentpétervár, 1906. febr. 29.): festő, grafikus, a magyar romantikus festészet jelentős alakja. ~ Antal öccse. 1842-től Pesten jogi tanulmányokat folyt... |
me2120. engraving/Erotic put into the basket Michael Von Zichy (Zichy Mihály): Liebe.Leipzig. 1911. copper engraving.size: 16x15 cm. page: 39x30 cm. price: 38.46 EUROZichy Mihály (Zala, 1827. okt. 14. – Szentpétervár, 1906. febr. 29.): festő, grafikus, a magyar romantikus festészet jelentős alakja. ~ Antal öccse. 1842-től Pesten jogi tanulmányokat folyt... |
me5082. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kozma Lajos: Kner Imre könyve.without year. .size: 4x4 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
me5084. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Divéky József: Ex libris Kner Imre.without year. .size: 6x5 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
me5085. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kozma Lajos: Ex libris Kner Imre.without year. .size: 3x3 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
me5087. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Ex libris Kner Albert.without year. .size: 12x6 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
me5088. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kner Albert: Ex libris Kner Albert.without year. .size: 12x8 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
me5089. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kozma Lajos: Király György szignet.without year. .size: 4x3 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
me5092. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Ex libris Dr. Korányi András.without year. .size: 9x6 cm. price: 1.28 EUROOrvosi ex libris. |
me5078. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kner Albert: Ex libris Reichard László.without year. .size: 7x6 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
me5080. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Kner Albert: Szignet - Sonnenfeld István igazgató.without year. .size: 8x7 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
me5075. engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian put into the basket Ex libris Pekár Gyula író eredeti aláírásával.without year. .size: 10x7 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
me5064. engraving/Ex libris/German put into the basket Pieper, Hans 1882-1946: Ex libris Dr. Burchard.Darmstadt. 1902. .size: 12x11 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |