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me4635.   engraving/Ex libris/French   put into the basket

Popot, France (Henri): Ex libris et Collectis H. Décret.

without year. Etching.
size: 11x7 cm.
page: 14x11 cm.

price: 10.26 EURO

Popot, France  (Henri): Ex libris et Collectis H. Décret

me4636.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Bünzli, Heiri: Ex libris van Gottfried Stutz.

1930. Etching.
size: 14x9 cm.
page: 19x12 cm.

price: 10.26 EURO

Bünzli, Heiri: Ex libris van Gottfried Stutz

me4623.   engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian   put into the basket

Famiglia Pallay, Lieto Natale Felice Anna Novello.

without year. aquatint.
size: 10x13 cm.
page: 23x29 cm.

price: 6.15 EURO

Olvashatatlan szignó.
Famiglia Pallay, Lieto Natale Felice Anna Novello

me4624.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Bludau.

1913. Heliogravure.
size: 17x13 cm.
page: 27x22 cm.

price: 20.51 EURO

Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Bludau

me4625.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred:: Ex libris Dr. Reich Milton Oszkár.

1913. Etching.
size: 13x9 cm.
page: 22x16 cm.

price: 23.08 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Hand signed
Foltos, törésnyom.
Soder, Alfred:: Ex libris Dr. Reich Milton Oszkár

me4627.   engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian   put into the basket

Remsey (Rainer) Márton: BUÉK Dr Szántó László.

1938. Etching.
size: 20x15 cm.
page: 29x23 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Remsey (Rainer) Márton: BUÉK Dr Szántó László

me4629.   engraving/Ex libris/Hungarian   put into the basket

Kovácsy Endre: Ex libris Prüner Arnold.

without year. Etching.
size: 16x10 cm.
page: 22x17 cm.

price: 11.54 EURO

Kovácsy Endre: Ex libris Prüner Arnold

me4633.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Hubert Weinberger.

1911. Etching.
size: 10x13 cm.
page: 17x22 cm.

price: 30.77 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Hubert Weinberger

me4621.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Der Xenien.

1912. Heliogravure.
size: 18x10 cm.
page: 23x16 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Bastanier, Hans német festő, grafikus 1885-1966.
Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Der Xenien

me4620.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Lindemann.

1920. Etching.
size: 17x11 cm.
page: 25x17 cm.
mounted on paperboard.

price: 11.54 EURO

Bastanier, Hans német festő, grafikus 1885-1966
Hand signed.
Bastanier, Hans: Ex libris Lindemann

me2261.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Jost Amman: Starck Zach(arias) D. (ex libris).

1582. copper engraving.
size: 10x8 cm.
page: 18x13 cm.
gnawed by wood-worm.

price: 115.38 EURO

A képmező szélén lyuk.
Jost Amman: Starck Zach(arias) D. (ex libris)

me1239.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Pfeifer, Hermann: Ex libris Hermann Schott.

without year. .
size: 13x7 cm.
page: 15x9 cm.
intact margin.

price: 2.31 EURO

Kartonra ragasztva.
Pfeifer, Hermann: Ex libris Hermann Schott

me1247.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Schinnerer, Adolf (1876-1949): Ex libris Dr J. Klüber.

without year. .
size: 9x13 cm.
page: 17x23 cm.

price: 11.54 EURO

Rézkarc. Etching. Radierung.
Schinnerer, Adolf (1876-1949): Ex libris Dr J. Klüber

me1246.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Gether, Charlotte: Dit's Min Book Dr H. Rugenstein.

without year. .
size: 12x8 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Gether, Charlotte: Dit's Min Book Dr H. Rugenstein

me1235.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Wildermann, Hans (1884-1954): Ex libris C. J. Antweiler.

München. without year. Cliche.
size: 15x13 cm.
intact margin.

price: 12.82 EURO

Kartonra ragasztva.
Wildermann, Hans (1884-1954): Ex libris C. J. Antweiler

me1188.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Hacker, Christ. J: Herrn Gustav Braunmüller in Gedenken froher Weidmann Stunden zum 15. Februar 1927.

1927. .
size: 17x13 cm.
page: 23x19 cm.
intact margin.

price: 20.51 EURO

Rézkarc. Etching. Radierung
Christian J. Hacker.
Hacker, Christ. J: Herrn Gustav Braunmüller in Gedenken froher Weidmann Stunden zum 15. Februar 1927

me4615.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Laske, Oskar: Ex libris Erich Kanffl Lenz.

without year. Cliche.
size: 9x6 cm.
page: 14x10 cm.

price: 4.62 EURO

Laske, Oskar osztrák festő, grafikus. 1874-1951.
Laske, Oskar: Ex libris Erich Kanffl Lenz

me4616.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Das ist mein Buch August Kopal.

without year. Cliche.
size: 7x5 cm.
page: 8x7 cm.

price: 3.08 EURO

Das ist mein Buch August Kopal

me4617.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Das ist mein Buch August Kopal.

without year. Cliche.
size: 7x5 cm.
page: 8x7 cm.

price: 3.08 EURO

Das ist mein Buch August Kopal

me4606.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Fischer-Köystrand, Karl: Ex libris Rotes Kreuz.

Wien. 1914-15. Cliche.
size: 11x7 cm.
page: 12x9 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Fischer-Köystrand, Karl: Ex libris Rotes Kreuz

me4603.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

J. Sándor: Ex libris Franz Pollenz.

1914. Etching.
size: 9x7 cm.
page: 18x12 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

J. Sándor: Ex libris Franz Pollenz

me4605.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Siebert, Otto: Ex libris Heinrich Wettig.

without year. Etching.
size: 15x10 cm.
page: 20x14 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Siebert, Otto német festő grafikus 1875-1938
Hand signed.
Siebert, Otto: Ex  libris Heinrich Wettig

me4600.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Camille Monnet: Ex libris F. Paoletti.

without year. Cliche.
size: 10x7 cm.
page: 12x9 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Camille Monnet: Ex libris F. Paoletti

me4589.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Hesshaimer, Ludwig: Ex libris Carla Schlesinger.

1921. Etching.
size: 12x8 cm.
page: 16x12 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Hesshaimer, Ludwig, Brassó 1872- Rio de Janeiro 1956
Erdélyi születésű, osztrák grafikus.
Hesshaimer, Ludwig: Ex libris Carla Schlesinger

me4590.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Erhard Amadeus-Dier: Dr. Jur. Alojis Waldis?.

without year. Etching.
size: 12x8 cm.
page: 16x13 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Erhard Amadeus-Dier: Dr. Jur. Alojis Waldis?

me4591.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Schütz, Erich: Ex libris Lia Tedeschi.

ca. 1920. Etching.
size: 10x9 cm.
page: 16x14 cm.

price: 7.69 EURO

Schütz, Erich osztrág grafikus, festő. 1887 - 1937.
Schütz, Erich: Ex libris  Lia Tedeschi

me4592.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Karl Borschke: Ex libris Annie Keppel-Knight.

1922. Etching.
size: 13x7 cm.
page: 19x12 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Karl Borschke: Ex libris Annie Keppel-Knight

me4593.   engraving/Ex libris/Belgian   put into the basket

Victor Struyvaert: Ex libris NOEL. (V.S. 28.).

1928. Etching.
size: 13x7 cm.
page: 18x12 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Victor Struyvaert: Ex libris NOEL.  (V.S. 28.)

me4594.   engraving/Ex libris/Belgian   put into the basket

Victor Struyvaert: Ex libris Lucien NOÉL.

without year. Etching.
size: 9x7 cm.
page: 16x12 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Victor Struyvaert: Ex libris Lucien NOÉL

me4598.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Peters-Ebbecke, Hela: Ex libris Mary Peters.

ca.1925. Etching.
size: 11x7 cm.
page: 18x12 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Peters-Ebbecke, Hela 1885-1973.
Peters-Ebbecke, Hela: Ex libris Mary Peters

me4588.   engraving/Ex libris/Austrian   put into the basket

Erhard Amadeus-Dier: Dr Josef Lenze.

1917. Etching.
size: 14x9 cm.
page: 19x14 cm.

price: 9.23 EURO

Erhard Amadeus-Dier: Dr Josef Lenze

me4582.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Héroux, Bruno: Ex libris Dr. Rudolph Steinbach.

1910. Etching.
size: 11x8 cm.
page: 15x11 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Bruno Héroux 1868-1944.
Német festő, grafikus, tipográfiai és ex libris művész.
Héroux, Bruno: Ex libris Dr. Rudolph Steinbach

me4583.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Héroux, Bruno: Ex libris Elisabeth Hell.

1906. Etching.
size: 10x9 cm.
page: 16x14 cm.

price: 20.51 EURO

Bruno Héroux 1868-1944.
Német festő, grafikus, tipográfiai és ex libris művész.
Héroux, Bruno: Ex libris Elisabeth Hell

me4584.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Héroux, Bruno: Aus der Bücherei von E. Th. Naumann.

1903. Cliche.
size: 12x9 cm.
page: 15x11 cm.

price: 6.15 EURO

Bruno Héroux 1868-1944.
Német festő, grafikus, tipográfiai és ex libris művész.
Héroux, Bruno: Aus der Bücherei von E. Th. Naumann

me4586.   engraving/Ex libris/German   put into the basket

Woelfle, Alfons: Dieses Blatt widme ich Heinrich Graf zur Erinnerung an seine schwerste Zeit, der Frühling 1941.

without year. Etching.
size: 12x7 cm.
page: 17x11 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Woelfle, Alfons 1884-1951 német grafikus.
Woelfle, Alfons: Dieses Blatt widme ich Heinrich Graf zur Erinnerung an seine schwerste Zeit, der Frühling 1941

me4572.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Josephus Hartmann.

without year. Etching.
size: 11x7 cm.
page: 18x13 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus
Hand signed.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Josephus Hartmann

me4573.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris dr. med. A. Frank.

1912. Etching.
size: 10x8 cm.
page: 17x12 cm.

price: 17.95 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris dr. med. A. Frank

me4575.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. Reich Milton Oszkár.

1913. Etching.
size: 13x9 cm.
page: 22x16 cm.

price: 20.51 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. Reich Milton Oszkár

me4576.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Hans Schäublum.

without year. Etching.
size: 14x8 cm.
page: 22x14 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Hans Schäublum

me4577.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Friedrich Berthold Sutter.

1907. Etching.
size: 16x10 cm.
page: 22x15 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Friedrich Berthold Sutter

me4578.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Herczog Géza.

1912. Etching.
size: 11x11 cm.
page: 22x17 cm.

price: 17.95 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus
Hand signed.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Herczog Géza

me4579.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Franz und Olga Friedmann.

1911. Etching.
size: 9x12 cm.
page: 15x22 cm.

price: 20.51 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Franz und Olga Friedmann

me4580.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris reich Péter Cornel.

1913. Etching.
size: 11x6 cm.
page: 26x20 cm.

price: 20.51 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris reich Péter Cornel

me4581.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. G. A. Dirner.

without year. Etching.
size: 7x8 cm.
page: 20x25 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Alfred Soder 1880-1957 svájci festő, grafikus.
Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. G. A. Dirner

me4571.   engraving/Ex libris/Switzerland   put into the basket

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. Otto Wappenschmitt.

1909. Etching.
size: 7x8 cm.
page: 10x13 cm.

price: 11.54 EURO

Soder, Alfred: Ex libris Dr. Otto Wappenschmitt

me1746.   engraving/battle scenes   put into the basket


Wien. 1868. lithography.
size: 22x31 cm.
page: 44x62 cm.

price: 46.15 EURO


me3186.   engraving/battle scenes   put into the basket

Lindenschmit (artist)-Grill (engraver): Loudon in der Schlacht bei Kunnersdorf. 1759.

Wien. 1868. lithography.
size: 24x36 cm.
page: 42x48 cm.

price: 46.15 EURO

Lindenschmit (artist)-Grill (engraver): Loudon in der Schlacht bei Kunnersdorf. 1759

me2483.   engraving/battle scenes   put into the basket

Stoopendaal Daniel: Julius Caesar csatái. Thapsus.

ca. 1720. copper engraving.
size: 32x41 cm.
page: 45x48 cm.
minimaly stained outside the picture.

price: 64.1 EURO

Stoopendaal Daniel: Julius Caesar csatái. Thapsus

me2484.   engraving/battle scenes   put into the basket

Stoopendaal Daniel:: Julius Caesar csatái. Alesia.

ca.1720. copper engraving.
size: 32x41 cm.
page: 45x48 cm.
minimaly stained outside the picture.

price: 64.1 EURO

Alesia, a mandubiusok erősített városa Gallia Lugdunensisben.
The Battle of Alesia or Siege of Alesia took place in September, 52 BC around the Gallic oppidum of Alesia, a major town centre and hi...
Stoopendaal Daniel:: Julius Caesar csatái. Alesia

me2487.   engraving/battle scenes   put into the basket

Julius Caesar csatái. Genf Kr. e. 58-ban.

ca.1720. copper engraving.
size: 32x39 cm.
page: 45x48 cm.
minimaly stained outside the picture.

price: 64.1 EURO

Julius Caesar csatái. Genf Kr. e. 58-ban
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