te28. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Ortelius, Abraham: Tercera Insula (Azori Island (Portugal, Acores, Azores).Antwerpen. 1588. copper engraving.size: 8x11 cm. page: 11x15 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 47.37 EURO"Epitome". |
te317. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte des Isles Canaries, avec l'Isle de Madere, et celle de Porto Santo. (Madeira).Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 32x21 cm. page: 40x26 cm. stained. price: 63.16 EURO |
te321. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis jam nuper edita... [includes Baleric Islands].Nürnberg. ca. 1718. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x55 cm. page: 53x61 cm. minimaly stained. intact margin. price: 236.84 EURO |
te558. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Cary, John: A New Map of the Kingdom of Portugal.London. 1801. hand colored copper engraving.size: 44x49 cm. page: 49x57 cm. intact margin. price: 73.68 EUROAz alján a hajtásnál 5 cm-es szakadás restaurálva.
At the bottom on the fold 5 cm implosion restored. |
te1199. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Güssefeld-Homann Heredibus: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula generalis.Nürnberg. 1782. hand colored copper engraving.size: 44x55 cm. page: 52x64 cm. stained outside the picture. price: 236.84 EURO |
te1209. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles Acores.Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 63.16 EUROAzori szigetek. |
te1433. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Charte von Portugal. Nach W. Faden.Weimar. 1801. border colored copper engraving.size: 69x48 cm. page: 76x55 cm. price: 118.42 EURO |
te1538. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Mollo, Tranquillo (kiadó): SPANIEN und PORTUGAL.Wien. 1817. border colored copper engraving.size: 44x32 cm. page: 49x37 cm. stained outside the picture. price: 105.26 EUROMegjelent: Lehrbuch der Geographie, zeigt das Kaisertum Österreich nach dem Wiener Kongress. |