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engraving/Ex libris/Italian

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me2463.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ex libris Giacomo Tasca.

without year. .
size: 8x6 cm.

price: 1.03 EURO

Ex libris  Giacomo Tasca

me2464.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Remo Wolf (1912-2009): Ex libris Mara Tasca.

without year. .
size: 15x13 cm.

price: 1.54 EURO

Hand signed!.
Remo Wolf (1912-2009): Ex libris  Mara  Tasca

me3929.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Vannuccini, Enrico: Ex libris Amitrano Mariano.

1971. Etching.
size: 15x9 cm.
page: 18x13 cm.

price: 11.54 EURO

Vannuccini, Enrico: Ex libris Amitrano Mariano

me4692.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Balsamo, Guido Stella: Ex libris Walter Fahrenhorst.

1912. Etching.
size: 15x10 cm.
page: 23x17 cm.

price: 23.08 EURO

Balsamo, Guido Stella olasz festő, grafikus 1882-1941.
Balsamo, Guido Stella: Ex libris Walter Fahrenhorst

me4708.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Gagliardo: Ex libris for Giovanni Botta.

1943. Etching.
size: 15x9 cm.
page: 20x13 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Gagliardo: Ex libris for Giovanni Botta

me4917.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ex libris Raphael D Andrea.

without year. Etching.
size: 8x7 cm.
page: 14x11 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Ex libris Raphael D Andrea

me4919.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Negri, Antonio: Ex libris Giuseppe Zanetti.

Venezia. 1908. .
size: 8x5 cm.
page: 11x7 cm.

price: 5.13 EURO

Negri, Antonio: Ex libris Giuseppe Zanetti

me4920.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Mezzoli, Ormedo (1908-1982): Ex libris Lustig István.

without year. Etching.
size: 12x10 cm.
page: 19x14 cm.

price: 6.41 EURO

Hand signed.
Mezzoli, Ormedo (1908-1982): Ex libris Lustig István

me5066.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Baldinelli, Armando: Ex libris Giovanni Botta.

without year. .
size: 17x11 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Baldinelli, Armando: Ex libris Giovanni Botta

me5071.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Cisari, Giulio: Ex libris Fontana Gero.

without year. .
size: 10x7 cm.

price: 2.31 EURO

Cisari, Giulio: Ex libris Fontana Gero

me5659.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Tramontin, Virgilio (1908-2002): Ex libris Francesco Maurizio di Giovine.

without year. Etching.
size: 15x5 cm.
page: 18x8 cm.

price: 6.15 EURO

Hand signed!.
Tramontin, Virgilio (1908-2002): Ex libris Francesco Maurizio di Giovine

me5660.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Brunello, Franco: Ex libris Amedeo Festa.

without year. Etching.
size: 8x7 cm.
page: 11x10 cm.
mounted on paperboard.

price: 7.69 EURO

Brunello, Franco: Ex libris Amedeo Festa

me6111.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini.

without year. Linoleum.
size: 6x8 cm.
page: 9x13 cm.

price: 1.28 EURO

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini

me6112.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini.

without year. Linoleum.
size: 6x7 cm.
page: 9x13 cm.

price: 12.82 EURO

Hand signed!.
Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini

me6113.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini.

without year. Linoleum.
size: 6x7 cm.
page: 9x13 cm.

price: 1.28 EURO

Hand signed!.
Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini

me6114.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini.

without year. Linoleum.
size: 6x4 cm.
page: 10x6 cm.

price: 1.28 EURO

Hand signed!.
Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini

me6115.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini.

without year. Linoleum.
size: 6x7 cm.
page: 7x10 cm.

price: 1.28 EURO

Hand signed!.
Ivano Gambini (1904 - 1992): Ex libris Gambini

me6116.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket


Trieste. 1931. .
size: 9x9 cm.
page: 15x11 cm.

price: 3.08 EURO

Hand signed!.

me6321.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

CARANDINI Francesco: Biblioteca Comunale di Biella.

1900. .
size: 10x8 cm.
page: 11x9 cm.

price: 7.69 EURO

A kép szerinti állapotban.
CARANDINI Francesco: Biblioteca Comunale di Biella

me6329.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Raccolta di Scherma di Jacopo Gelli.

without year. .
size: 12x8 cm.
mounted on paperboard.

price: 4.62 EURO

A kép szerinti állapotban.
Raccolta di Scherma di Jacopo Gelli

me6399.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Balsamo-Stella Guido: Ex libris FRIDO.

1909. Etching.
size: 15x12 cm.
page: 23x15 cm.

price: 30.77 EURO

Balsamo-Stella Guido: Ex libris FRIDO

me6400.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ex libris Santagiuliana Nerone.

1968. Etching.
size: 10x7 cm.
page: 14x10 cm.

price: 3.85 EURO

Ex libris Santagiuliana Nerone

me6401.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Gaigher, Horatio 1870-1938: Ex libris Dr. HORATII GAIGHER.

without year. Etching.
size: 16x12 cm.
page: 21x15 cm.

price: 153.85 EURO

Gaigher, Horatio 1870-1938: Ex libris Dr. HORATII GAIGHER

me6402.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Vannuccini, Enrico: Ex libris Lustig István.

1938. Etching.
size: 13x11 cm.
page: 21x17 cm.

price: 23.08 EURO

Hand signed.
Vannuccini, Enrico: Ex libris Lustig István

me6403.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Vannuccini, Enrico: Illyés doktor könyve.

1939. Etching.
size: 15x10 cm.
page: 21x16 cm.

price: 30.77 EURO

Hand signed.
Vannuccini, Enrico: Illyés doktor könyve

me6425.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Stella, Balsamo Guido: Ex libris W. Warncke.

1911. Etching.
size: 10x8 cm.
page: 19x16 cm.

price: 15.38 EURO

Stella, Balsamo Guido: Ex libris W. Warncke

me6594.   engraving/Ex libris/Italian   put into the basket

Ex libris Pio Bondieli.

without year. .
size: 9x4 cm.
page: 13x7 cm.
mounted on paperboard.

price: 3.85 EURO

Ex libris Pio Bondieli
Sós Antikvarium Váci street 73. Budapest 1056 Hungary   top of the page