ko873. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Aucasin és Nicolete.Budapest. 1957. Magyar Helikon. 70 p. illustrated. half vellum. Hungarian language.size: 21x12 cm. price: 2.31 EUROA kötéstábla tetején benyomódás. |
ko2602. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Lesage, (Alain Rene): Die Geschichte des Gil Blas von Santillana. A.d. Franz. von Konrad Thorer. I-II.Leipzig. 1908. Insel-Verlag. 651 p. illustrated. leather binding. German language.size: 19x11 cm. price: 153.85 EUROVII, 315; 336 SS. Braunes Ganzleder.
Mit Reproduktionen von 10 Stichen Daniel Chodowieckis zu den Ausgaben von 1779 und 1783. Exemplar Nr. 88 von 100 numerierten. |
ko2703. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Kroeber, Dr. Hans Timotheus (Hg.): Die wunderlichen Abenteuer des Blaise Gaulard. Mit den Zeichnungen von Chodowiecki.Weimar. 1915. Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag. 40 p. half vellum. German language.size: 19x14 cm. price: 64.1 EUROOriginal-Halbpergament,42 Blätter mit montierten Tafeln.
Numeriertes Exemplar (Nr 499 von 181 - 550 in Halbpergament hergestellten Bänden). |
ko2707. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Guthmann, Johannes: Erzahlungen und Marchen.Düsseldorf. 1907. Verlag Schmitz Und Olbertz. 113 p. leather binding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 15.38 EUROOriginal blau Ledereinband. |
ko2709. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket GLEICHEN-RUßWURM, Alexander von: Pierrot. Ein Gleichnis in sieben Liedern.Leipzig. ca. 1920. Wunderlich. 7 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 15.38 EUROMit 7 (montierten) Heliogravüren nach den Radierungen von ROLF SCHOTT.
Diese zweite Auflage wurde gedruckt in 500 Exemplaren, davon trägt dieses (handschriftl.) die Nummer 343. |
ko3437. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Supervielle, Jules: A gyermekrabló.Budapest. 1969. Magyar Helikon. 351 p. leather binding. Hungarian language.size: 13x8 cm. price: 3.08 EUROSzámozott!. |
ko3528. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Spies János(gyűjtötte): D. Faustus János hírhedett varázsló és fekete mágus históriája.Budapest. 1960. Magyar Helikon. 298 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 13x10 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
ko3548. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Ernst Toller: Fecskekönyv.Budapest. 1947. Cserépfalvi. 59 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x18 cm. small rip on spine. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko4088. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Translated by Robert Copland from the French Version Published in 1504. Printed by Him upon Parchment in London, MCCCCCXII.New York. 1901. The Grolier Club. 170 p. illustrated. leather binding. English language.size: 23x17 cm. price: 205.13 EUROA Literal Reprint in the Types of Wynkin de Worde after the Unique Copy.
Printed 325 copy on Whatman paper. 85 sztl. lev. A gerincerinc javított. The book spine has been improved. THE GROLIER ... |
ko5133. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Martin Du Gard, Roger: Afrikai vallomás.Budapest. 1964. Magyar Helikon. 68 p. halfleather. Hungarian language.size: 17x10 cm. price: 1.79 EUROSarka megkopva. |
ko5815. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Ignotus: Verseiből.Budapest. 1918. Nyugat. 116 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 2x15 cm. price: 2.31 EUROSzakadozott. |
ko5817. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Tizennyolc skandináv író magyarul.Gyoma. 1929-1931. Kner Izidor. 67 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x13 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko7265. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Huszadik Század. ADY-SZÁM. 1919 augusztus.Budapest. without year. Lantos. 136 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. shabby. price: 9.23 EURO |
ko7270. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Barna Jenő: Varieté. (Cirkusz).Budapest. without year. without publisher. 48 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x15 cm. . price: 1.79 EURO |
ko7289. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Krammer Mario (Hg.): Theodor Fontanes engere Welt. Aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben.Berlin. 1920. Arthur Collignon. 98 p. illustrated. halfleather. Hungarian language.size: 29x23 cm. shabby. price: 61.54 EURONumbered edition 150/106. |
ko7319. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Gvadányi József:: Pöstényi förödés.Budapest. 1921. Rózsavölgyi. 45 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 17x12 cm. shabby. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko7493. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von,: FRÜHESTE PROSASTÜCKE.Leipzig. 1926. Gesellschaft D. Freunde D. Deutschen Büc. 20 p. boarding. German language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 9.23 EURONumerierte Ausgabe 300/192. |
ko7496. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Trüb, Karl: IM MORGENROT DES LEBENS.Eisenach. 1928. Vereinigung Eisenacher Bibliophilen,. 78 p. boarding. German language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 15.38 EURONumerierte Ausgabe 350/234. |
ko7497. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Nicolai, Wilhelm: RICHARD WAGNER UND DIE ANFäNGE SEINER KUNST IN THüRINGEN.Eisenach. 1928. Vereinigung Eisenacher Bibliophilen. 46 p. boarding. German language.size: 25x16 cm. price: 15.38 EURO |
ko7498. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Heydt Karl Von Der: VARIATIONEN ÜBER DAS THEMA WEIB UND RHYTHMEN.Darmstadt. 1931. Gesellschaft Hessischer Bücherfreunde. 58 p. half cloth binding. German language.size: 25x18 cm. small rip on spine. price: 6.15 EURONumerierte Ausgabe 700/198. |
ko7500. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Wildgans, Anton: WIENER GEDICHTE - MIT ZEICHNUNGEN VON FERDINAND SCHMUTZER.Wien Und Leipzig. without year. Speidel`sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 84 p. halfleather. German language.size: 28x21 cm. shabby. price: 7.18 EURO |
ko7501. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Max, Halbe: JUGEND EIN LIEBESDRAMA IN DREI AUFZüGEN.Dresden. 1904. Carl Reißner. 143 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 26x19 cm. price: 12.82 EUROAbbdruck einer Kathe Kollwitz-Grafik als Frontispiz,. |
ko8797. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Coster, Charles De: HERR HALEWIJN, MIT 36 AQUARELLEN UND EINER EINBANDZEICHNUNG VON FRITZ LöWEN.Wien Und Leipzig. 1924. Thyrsos. 95 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 22x15 cm. price: 7.69 EUROErste Ausgabe. |
ko10013. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Ady Endre: Válogatott versei.Budapest. 1921. Pallas. 234 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x15 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko11317. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Wallentínyi Samu (szerkesztő): Uj magyar líra , a szlovenszkói és kárpátaljai magyar kőltők lírai antológiája.(Rimaszombat). 1936. Wallentínyi. 205 p. . Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 3.08 EUROModern félvászon-kötésben, Az eredeti boríték bekötve. |
ko11318. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Hitvallól. Református költők antológiája. Összeállította Sipos Károly.Cegléd. 1935. Hortobágy. 134 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EUROA tartalomjegyzékben aláhúzás. |
ko12775. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Gereblyés László: Nehogy engedj. Versek.Budapest. without year. Cserépfalvi. 46 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 21x23 cm. damaged. price: 0.51 EURO |
ko12806. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Ady Endre: Léda és Csinszka.Budapest. 1966. Magyar Helikon. 115 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 9x10 cm. price: 1.54 EUROSzász Endre illusztrációival. |
ko13047. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Ligeti Ernő: Az ő kis katonája.Oradea. 1940. Uj Erdélyi Könyvek. 200 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. small rip on spine. price: 4.1 EURO |
ko13048. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Tabéry Géza: Szebeni vihar. Novellák. (1914-1939).(Oradea). 1940. Uj Erdélyi Könyvek. 137 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 4.1 EURO |
ko14214. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Gary János: Az obsitos.Budapest. 1956. Ifjúsági. 34 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 1.79 EUROGácsi Mihály színes fametszeteivel. |
ko15292. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Wilde, Oscar: SPHINX.Leipzig. 1905. Wiener Verlag. 38 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x22 cm. shabby. price: 30.77 EURONumbered: 250/130. |
ko15294. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Frankel, Jonas: GOETHES ERLEBNIS DER SCHWEIZ.Bern Und Leipzig. 1932. Benteli. 36 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 29x21 cm. shabby. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko15295. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Musset, Alfred De: TIZIANELLO. EINE NOVELLE.München. 1920. Rösl. 54 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 30x20 cm. price: 23.08 EUROÚj gerinc. Numbered: 540/429
Mit 6 Radierungen von F. Heubner. |
ko15300. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Hoffmann, E.T.A: DER GOLDENE TOPF. EIN MäRCHEN AUS DER NEUEN ZEIT.Wien/Leipzig/New York. 1920. Gerlach & Wiedling. 133 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 20x15 cm. price: 6.41 EUROAugust Sauer 8 színes ill. |
ko15301. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Rilke, Rainer Maria: Die liebe der Magdalena.Leipzig. 1919. Insel. 50 p. half vellum paper. German language.size: 21x13 cm. price: 7.69 EUROA kötéstábla sarkain kopás. |
ko15302. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Bessel, Georg: EIN BREMISCHER STAATSVERTRAG VOR HUNDERT JAHREN.Bremen. 1930. Bremer Bibliophile G. 50 p. boarding. German language.size: 25x19 cm. price: 7.18 EURO |
ko15310. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Brentano, Clemens: BARON VON HüPFENSTICH. MIT ACHT ORIGINALLITHOGRAPHIEN.Leipzig. without year. Josef Singer Verlag. 64 p. illustrated. leather binding. German language.size: 16x12 cm. shabby. price: 23.08 EURO8 t. litográfia. |
ko15311. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Zweig, Stefan: ANGST.without place. 1925. Reclam. 75 p. leather binding. German language.size: 15x9 cm. shabby. price: 7.18 EURO |
ko15315. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Jonson, Ben: VOLPONE.Potsdam. 1927. Kiepenheuer. 148 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 16x11 cm. price: 6.15 EUROIllusztrálta Aubrey Beardley. |
ko15316. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Winkelmann, Edith: DAS FEST DES HEILIGEN LAZARUS.Darmstadt. 1929. Verlag: Gesellschaft Hessischer Bücherfr. 37 p. half vellum paper. German language.size: 18x13 cm. price: 15.38 EUROSzámozott pld: 500/263.
Nummeriert: Nr 263 von 500. |
ko15317. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket LACHMANN, EDUARD: NACHHALLENDER SCHRITT. DREI ERZäHLUNGEN.Darmstadt. 1932. Gesellschaft Hessischer Bücherfreunde. 151 p. half vellum paper. German language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
ko15323. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Wieland: LUCIAN VON SAMOSATA. DER UNGELEHRTE BÜCHERNARR.München. 1909. M. Müller & Sohn. 21 p. paperbinding. German language.size: 23x18 cm. shabby. price: 10.26 EUROSzámozott: 150/127
Numerierte 150/127. |
ko15355. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Szíj Rezső: A debreceni bibliofília 1920-1944 között.Debrecen. 1965. without publisher. 34 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 3.08 EUROKlny. |
ko15367. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Hofmannsthal, Hugo Von: BUCH DER FREUNDE.Leipzig. 1922. Insel. 103 p. half vellum paper. German language.size: 23x15 cm. price: 15.38 EURO |
ko15443. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Török Sophie: SIRATÓ.BP. 1948. Baumgarten Alapítvány. 62 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x12 cm. first edition. price: 6.15 EUROSzámozott! 500/489. |
ko15444. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Essai vagyis kisérlet annak bizonyitására, hogy a bölcselkedés nem más, mint a meghalás tudománya.Gyoma. 1922. Kner Izidor. 26 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 30x21 cm. price: 6.15 EUROMonumenta Literarum II. sorozat, 6.
Megjelent 600 példányban. |
ko15602. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Vörösmarty Mihály: Csongor és Tünde.Budapest. 1960. Magyar Helikon. 243 p. illustrated. halfleather. Hungarian language.size: 28x20 cm. shabby. price: 7.69 EUROHitz Gyula illusztrációival.
Számozott:180. sz.pld. |
ko15624. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Heltai Jenő: A könyv-ember.Bp. 1992. Borda Antikvárium. 7 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 26x17 cm. price: 20.51 EURO150 számozott példányból a 71.
Kiadói kartonkötésben. Jó állapotú példány. |
ko15626. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Endrei Walter: A parasztkalendárium.Bp. 1982. M. Iparművészeti Főisk. 42 p. dedicated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 15.38 EUROA Magyar Iparművészeti Főiskola kiadványi 93. |