
Sós Antikvárium

alapítás éve 1985

Katalógus   in english   BelépésÜzletünk 1985-óta, mindig készpénzért vásárol könyveket, teljes könyvtárakat, hagyatékokat.

le Rouge, Georges-Louis

(1741 - 1779)

Eighteenth-century French hydrographer and cartographer appointed Ingenieur Geographe du Roi to King Louis XV. He was a military engineer who specialized in atlases of plans and fortifications. In 1778 he published a collection of North American maps in an atlas entitled Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional and also a series of hydrographic charts entitled Neptune Americo-Septentrional. The latter work was used as the official guide of the French Navy.
Sós Antikvarium 1056 Budapest Váci utca 73.   lap tetejére