te46. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Bars megye térképe.Budapest. 1888. .size: 45x32 cm. page: 56x44 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1480. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Udvarhely megye.Budapest. 1885. .size: 35x44 cm. page: 44x57 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1473. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Sáros megye.Budapest. 1885. .size: 35x44 cm. page: 44x57 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te59. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Szerém megye térképe.Budapest. 1890. .size: 30x48 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te53. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Zágráb megye térképe.Budapest. 1890. .size: 34x43 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te48. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Varasd megye térképe.Budapest. 1890. .size: 31x45 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te52. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Pozsega megye térképe.Budapest. 1890. .size: 32x51 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te70. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Alsó-Fehér megye térképe.Budapest. 1888. .size: 31x42 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te51. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Szolnok-Doboka megye térképe.Budapest. 1889. .size: 42x34 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1482. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Belovár-Kőrös megye.Budapest. 1885. .size: 35x44 cm. page: 44x57 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1481. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Modrus-Fiume megye.Budapest. 1885. .size: 35x44 cm. page: 44x57 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1478. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Kolozs megye.Budapest. 1885. .size: 35x44 cm. page: 44x57 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te55. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Szilágy megye térképe.Budapest. 1885. .size: 30x35 cm. page: 44x57 cm. intact margin. price: 11.54 EURO |
te35. map/Belgium put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Namur mit dero Gegend auff 2 Stunden, etc.Augsburg. 1700. border colored copper engraving.size: 16x22 cm. page: 20x32 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 46.15 EURO |
te317. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte des Isles Canaries, avec l'Isle de Madere, et celle de Porto Santo. (Madeira).Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 32x21 cm. page: 40x26 cm. stained. price: 61.54 EURO |
te1238. map/Italy put into the basket Brion De La Tour, Louis: Etats de L'Eglise de Toscane Modéne et Luques.Paris. 1766. border colored copper engraving.size: 22x25 cm. page: 29x39 cm. implosion on the margin. price: 92.31 EURO |
te570. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Principatus Calenberg et Grubenhagen, Comitatus Schauenburg Episcopatus Hildesiani et adjacentium terrarum descriptio georaphicacura et impensis.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 26x19 cm. page: 29x22 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te575. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Palatinatus Iferior, sive Electoratus Palatinus ad Rhenum cum adjacentibus Archi=Episcopatu Moguntino Episco: Spirensi, et Wormatiensi Cura et Studio.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x26 cm. page: 22x30 cm. in claret paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te572. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Trevirensis Archi-Episcopatus et Electoratus juxta omnes suas Praefecturas cum confini tractu.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 20x26 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te567. map/Austria put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Archiducatus Austriae Superioris Ditiones in quas Quadrantes divisas.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 20x26 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 92.31 EURO |
te571. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Ducatus Brunsuicensis juxta tres suos Principatus Calenbergic.nimir.et Grubenhagens. (sub Electore Brun.Lunaeb.Hanoverano) ac Guelpherbitanum (Duce Br.Lunaeb.Guelpherbitano).Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x26 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te574. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Mappa Circuli Rhenani Superiorisin quo oculis sistuntur landgr:Hasso-Cassel Darmstadiens:Rhenofeld: Abbatai Fuldensis, cura et stilo.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 20x26 cm. page: 22x30 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te577. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Episcopatus Pader=Bornensis.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x25 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te42. map/France put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Arras Mitt Nahe anliegender Gegend.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 17.95 EURO |
te44. map/France put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Arien und St. Venand Mitt nahe Anliegender Gegend.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x26 cm. in green paspartu. price: 17.95 EURO |
te41. map/France put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Bethune in der Graffschaft Artois Mitt nahe anliegender Gegend.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 17x28 cm. page: 18x31 cm. in green paspartu. price: 23.08 EUROStained at the middle. |
te31. map/Germany put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Gelddern Eine Statt undHauptVeltung im Hertzog thum gleiches Nahmens gelgen Mitt dero Gegend aus fjStunden.Augsburg. ca 1700. border colored copper engraving.size: 17x24 cm. page: 20x32 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 46.15 EURO |
te1314. map/Germany put into the basket Bodenehr, Gabriel: München mit der Gegend.Ausburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x26 cm. page: 20x32 cm. in green paspartu. price: 46.15 EURO |
te32. map/Germany put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Geldern nach Vor mahliger Befestigung.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x26 cm. page: 21x32 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 46.15 EURO |
te33. map/Belgium put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Namur.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 15x19 cm. page: 20x29 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 30.77 EURO |
te290. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Les Isles de la Guadeloupe, de Marie Galante, de la Désirade, et celles des Saintes: Colonie Francoise dans les Antilles.Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 21x32 cm. page: 26x40 cm. price: 71.79 EURO |
te1153. map/Danube put into the basket Hondii Henrici (Hondius): Maximi Totius Europae Fluminis Danubii cursus.Amsterdam. ca. 1630. hand colored copper engraving.size: 43x49 cm. page: 46x56 cm. price: 384.62 EUROAlsó,felső szélén megvágva. |
te953. map/The Netherlands put into the basket Laurie & Whittle: A New Map of the Seat of War, in the Netherlands, from the best Authorities.London. 1794. hand colored copper engraving.size: 46x63 cm. page: 54x73 cm. folded. price: 179.49 EURO |
te1173. map/Germany put into the basket Birken: Der Donau Strand.Nürnberg. 1683. copper engraving.size: 8x9 cm. page: 13x13 cm. stained. folded. price: 15.38 EURO |
te1264. map/Germany put into the basket Münster: Die Statt Rusach.Basel. ca.1560. wood engraving.size: 24x34 cm. page: 33x40 cm. damaged. price: 30.77 EURO |
te273. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 12x16 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te267. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 12x15 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
foltos/marked. |
te269. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 13x15 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te276. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 10x13 cm. page: 31x20 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia. |
te275. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 22x16 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te1347. map/Russia put into the basket Das Europaische Russland.Hildburghausen. 1836. colored steel engraving.size: 25x18 cm. page: 30x25 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1350. map/Russia put into the basket Pontus Euxinus et Regio.Wien. ca.186. border colored steel engraving.size: 19x25 cm. page: 25x31 cm. price: 6.41 EURO |
te1257. map/Russia put into the basket Pobuda: Plan von St. Petersburg.ca.1850. .size: 17x24 cm. page: 23x31 cm. stained. folded. price: 6.15 EURO |
te1273. map/Russia put into the basket AA VAN DER PIERRE: LA MOSCOVIE SEPTENTRIONALE, SUIVANT LES NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS.Leiden. 1714. copper engraving.size: 21x29 cm. page: 26x40 cm. folded. price: 64.1 EUROMap of southern Russia in Europe. |
te1272. map/Russia put into the basket AA VAN DER PIERRE: LA MOSCOVIE SEPTENTRIONALE, SUIVANT LES NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS.Leiden. 1714. copper engraving.size: 21x28 cm. page: 26x40 cm. folded. price: 64.1 EUROMap of northern Russia in Europe. |
te1259. map/France put into the basket Münster: Gallia.Basel. ca.1560. wood engraving.size: 8x14 cm. page: 33x20 cm. stained. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1261. map/France put into the basket Münster: Gallia. Engellender und Burgunder miteinander in zwentracht waren/ ist sie in einen schlechten Stand und Wesen gerathen.Basel. ca.1560. wood engraving.size: 12x15 cm. page: 32x20 cm. price: 11.54 EURO |
te1339. map/France put into the basket Topographische Karte von Paris und Gegend.Hildburghausen. ca. 1860. steel engraving.size: 22x27 cm. page: 24x30 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
te1209. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles Acores.Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 61.54 EUROAzori szigetek. |
te1217. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte des Isles des Amis.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 41.03 EUROTongataboo, Wateeoo. |