te1220. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Esquisse de la Baye Dusky, dans la Nouvelle Zeelande.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 30.77 EURO |
te1210. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte des Isles de la Societé.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 61.54 EUROFrancia Polinézia. Társaság szigetek. |
te1205. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles des Nouvelles Hébrides, et celle de la Nouvelle Calédonie. ( France , Vanuatu ).Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 38.46 EURO |
te1211. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Les Petites Antilles ou Les Isles Du Vent, avec Celles de Sous Le Vent.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 71.79 EURO |
te1212. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte de l'Entrée de Norton et du Détroit de Bhering où l'on voit le Cap le plus oriental de l'Asie et la pointe la plus occidentale de l'Amerique. ( Bering szoros ).Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 61.54 EUROAsia, America. |
te1208. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles de la Reine Charlotte.Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 30.77 EURO |
te1204. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte du Gouvernement de Bretagne. Assujettie au ciel et projettee.Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 30.77 EUROPapua New Guinea. |
te1219. map/Canada put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isle et Banc de Terre-Neuve, Isle Royale et Isle St. Jean; avec l'Acadie ou la Nouvelle Ecosse.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 92.31 EURO |
te1222. map/Australia, Oceanian put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Galles Meridle. ou Cote Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 61.54 EURO |
te1225. map/Africa put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Le Royaume D'Adel: Les Cotes D'Ajan et de Zanguebar.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 46.15 EURO |
te1231. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles de St. Domingue et celle de Porto Rico.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 92.31 EURODominica, Puerto Rico. |
te1202. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Nouveau Royaume de GRENADE, Nouvelle ANDALOUSIE et GUYANE.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x46 cm. price: 46.15 EURO |
te1226. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Pérou et Pays Circonvoisins.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 61.54 EURORepública del Perú. |
te1227. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Bresil et Pays Des Amazones, avec Le Gouvernement De Buenos-Ayres I-II.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 64.1 EUROBrasilia. |
te170. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: LES ISLES ANTILLES, ET LE GOLFE DU MÉXIQUE.Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 21x32 cm. page: 26x38 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 92.31 EUROJó állapotú. Good condotion.
A jobb felső sarokban a Bermudák. |
te173. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: PARTIE MÉRIDIONALE, DE L'ANCIEN MÉXIQUE ( Mexico).Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 21x32 cm. page: 26x39 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 92.31 EUROJó állapotú. Good condition. |
te299. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: La Guyane Francoise, avec partie de la Guyane Hollandoise: suivant les Opérations et les Cartes récentes des Ingénieurs-Géographes Francois (South America).Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 32x21 cm. page: 40x26 cm. price: 30.77 EURO |
te175. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: AMÉRIQUE MÉRIDIONALE ( South America).Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 32x21 cm. page: 39x26 cm. in green paspartu. minimaly stained outside the picture. price: 71.79 EURO |
te1215. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Isles Maidenland, de Hawkins, et le Detroit de Fakland.Paris. ca. 1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 30.77 EUROFalklans szigetek. |
te1206. map/Asia put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Terre De Kerguelen, Appellee par M. Cook, Isle De La Desolation.Paris. ca.1780. copper engraving.size: 22x33 cm. page: 32x46 cm. price: 30.77 EURO |
te336. map/Indinesia put into the basket Fremin: Skizzirte charte von der Insel Celebes.Prag. 1812. copper engraving.size: 27x18 cm. page: 32x20 cm. price: 23.08 EURO |
te283. map/France put into the basket Merian, Matthäus: Lotharingia ducatus; Vúlgo Lorraine.Frankfurt. 1695. copper engraving.size: 28x36 cm. page: 32x37 cm. price: 46.15 EURO |
te1434. map/China put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Empire de la Chine Rme de Corée et Isles du Japon.Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 22x34 cm. page: 31x44 cm. price: 92.31 EUROKorea
Japan. |
te284. map/France put into the basket Merian, Matthäus: Sabaudia Ducatus Savoye.Frankfurt. 1695. copper engraving.size: 27x36 cm. page: 32x37 cm. stained. price: 46.15 EURO |
te285. map/France put into the basket Merian, Matthäus: Utriusque Burgundiae, tum Ducatus tum Comitatus Descriptio.Frankfurt. 1695. copper engraving.size: 27x36 cm. page: 32x37 cm. stained. price: 46.15 EURO |
te800. map/Israel, Palestine, Judaica put into the basket Lapie: Carte de la Syrie et de L'Egypte anciennes.Paris. 1851. copper engraving.size: 53x37 cm. page: 66x50 cm. intact margin. price: 76.92 EURO |
te153. map/Canada put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: L'Isle de Terre-Neuve, L'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse, L'Isle de St Jean et la Partie Orientale du Canada.Paris. 1780. copper engraving.size: 21x32 cm. page: 26x38 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 92.31 EURO |
te292. map/America put into the basket Bonne, Rigobert: Carte de l'Isle de St. Dominigue (Dominique) une des Grandes Antilles, Colonie Francoise et Espagnole.Paris. 1787. copper engraving.size: 21x32 cm. page: 26x40 cm. minimaly stained. price: 92.31 EURO |
te993. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Modrus-Fiume vármegye térképe.Budapest. 1894. .size: 24x30 cm. price: 3.08 EUROGönczy Pál (Hajdúszoboszló, 1817. dec. 26. – Karácsond, 1892. jan. 10.):
pedagógus, az MTA l. tagja (1858). 1834-től a debreceni kollégiumban bölcsészetet tanult, 1838-tól tanító, ill.... |
te978. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Alsó-Fehér vármegye térképe.Budapest. 1894. .size: 24x30 cm. price: 3.08 EUROGönczy Pál (Hajdúszoboszló, 1817. dec. 26. – Karácsond, 1892. jan. 10.):
pedagógus, az MTA l. tagja (1858). 1834-től a debreceni kollégiumban bölcsészetet tanult, 1838-tól tanító, ill.... |
te493. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Torda-Aranyos vármegye térképe.Budapest. ca 1900. .size: 20x27 cm. page: 24x30 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
te973. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Beszterce-Naszód vármegye térképe.Budapest. 1894. .size: 24x30 cm. price: 3.08 EUROGönczy Pál (Hajdúszoboszló, 1817. dec. 26. – Karácsond, 1892. jan. 10.):
pedagógus, az MTA l. tagja (1858). 1834-től a debreceni kollégiumban bölcsészetet tanult, 1838-tól tanító, ill.... |
te492. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Szilágy vármegye térképe.Budapest. ca 1900. .size: 20x27 cm. page: 24x30 cm. price: 4.62 EURO |
te1021. map/Hungarian county map put into the basket Gönczy Pál: Krassó-Szörény vármegye térképe. Comitatul Caraș-Severin, Romania.Budapest. 1894. .size: 30x24 cm. price: 3.08 EUROGönczy Pál (Hajdúszoboszló, 1817. dec. 26. – Karácsond, 1892. jan. 10.):
pedagógus, az MTA l. tagja (1858). 1834-től a debreceni kollégiumban bölcsészetet tanult, 1838-tól tanító, ill.... |
te516. map/United Kingdom put into the basket Homann Heredibus: Regnum Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Mappa Georgraphica.Nürnberg. 1749. hand colored copper engraving.size: 45x52 cm. page: 51x58 cm. minimaly stained outside the picture. minimal implosion on the margin. price: 153.85 EURO |
te1079. map/Ireland put into the basket Robert De Vaugondy: L'Irlande.Paris. ca. 1760. border colored copper engraving.size: 22x21 cm. page: 29x41 cm. clean, sharp issue. price: 115.38 EURO |
te1067. map/Ireland put into the basket Tirion, Isaak: Nieuwe Kaart van Ierland. Ireland.Amsterdam. ca. 1740. hand colored copper engraving.size: 32x25 cm. page: 41x50 cm. minimaly stained outside the picture. folded. price: 179.49 EURO |
te144. map/United Kingdom put into the basket Homann Heredibus: Regionis qvae est circa Londinum (London) specialis repraesentatio geographica.1741. colored copper engraving.size: 50x56 cm. page: 55x65 cm. intact margin. price: 230.77 EUROAt the bottom, there is a very fine London Westminster city view. |
te146. map/Scotland put into the basket Johan Baptist Homann: Magnae Britanni, Pars Septentrionalis Regnum Scotiae in Suas Partes et subja centes Insulas divisum Accurata Tabula ex archetypo Vischeriano desumta exhibetur imitatore.1720. colored copper engraving.size: 57x47 cm. page: 63x53 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 179.49 EUROstained/foltos. |
te321. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis jam nuper edita... [includes Baleric Islands].Nürnberg. ca. 1718. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x55 cm. page: 53x61 cm. minimaly stained. intact margin. price: 230.77 EURO |
te1199. map/Spain, Portugal put into the basket Güssefeld-Homann Heredibus: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula generalis.Nürnberg. 1782. hand colored copper engraving.size: 44x55 cm. page: 52x64 cm. stained outside the picture. price: 230.77 EURO |
te1043. map/Scotland put into the basket Visscher Nicolaum: Exactissima Regni Scotiae Tabula.Amsterdam. 1689. hand colored copper engraving.size: 54x45 cm. page: 61x53 cm. price: 282.05 EUROA fokhálózaton 4 mm-es lyuk van.
Homann Skócia e térkép alapján készült. A hátlapon holland-angol nyelvű helymutató. Irodalom: http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk:81/~rsgs/ifa/gems/MapScot.html. |
te1109. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Exactissima Palatinatus ad Rheinum.Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 51x60 cm. stained outside the picture. trimmed. price: 115.38 EURO |
te378. map/Germany put into the basket Blaeu: Oldenburg Comitatus.Amsterdam. 1635. copper engraving.size: 38x50 cm. page: 41x54 cm. in blue paspartu. price: 153.85 EUROAttractive map of Oldenburg, also depicting Bremen. From the French edition of Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum". |
te1105. map/Germany put into the basket Lotter: Saxoniae Superioris ....Electoralis Circulus: cum adiacentibus Ducatibus et Provinciis, simulque diligentissime annotatis Postarum Cursus et Stationes.Augsburg. 1745. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 54x68 cm. price: 115.38 EURO |
te1112. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson Nicolas: PARTIE ORIENTALE DU PALATINAT ET ESLECTORAT DU RHEIN. LES ÉVESCHÉS DE SPIRE, DE WORMES ET LE COMTÉ DE LINANGE.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 39x52 cm. page: 51x65 cm. price: 153.85 EURO |
te379. map/Germany put into the basket Blaeu: Monasteriensis Episcopatus.Amsterdam. 1635. copper engraving.size: 38x49 cm. page: 42x55 cm. in blue paspartu. minimaly stained outside the picture. price: 179.49 EUROAttractive map of Munster from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas". |
te139. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus MEKLENBURGICI Tabula Generalis continens Duc: VANDALIAE et MEKLENBURG Comitatum et Episcopatum.Nürnberg. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 49x57 cm. page: 52x59 cm. intact margin. price: 115.38 EURODecorative and highly detailed regional map, extending from Holstein and Lubeck in the west to Rugia and Pomerania in the east, and centered on Mecklenburg, Swerinensis, Vandalia, Rostochiense and Sta... |
te1107. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Brunsuicensis in tres fuos Grubenhag.Nürnberg. ca.1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 48x56 cm. page: 51x59 cm. trimmed. implosion on the margin. price: 64.1 EURO |
te1106. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: OSELLAE FLUMINIS TABULA SPECIALIS IN QUA ARCHIEPISCOPATUS ET ELECTORATUS TREVIRENSIS.Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 51x59 cm. shabby. implosion on the margin. price: 64.1 EURO |