te31. map/Germany put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Gelddern Eine Statt undHauptVeltung im Hertzog thum gleiches Nahmens gelgen Mitt dero Gegend aus fjStunden.Augsburg. ca 1700. border colored copper engraving.size: 17x24 cm. page: 20x32 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 46.15 EURO |
te32. map/Germany put into the basket Gabriel Bodenehr: Geldern nach Vor mahliger Befestigung.Augsburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x26 cm. page: 21x32 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 46.15 EURO |
te139. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus MEKLENBURGICI Tabula Generalis continens Duc: VANDALIAE et MEKLENBURG Comitatum et Episcopatum.Nürnberg. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 49x57 cm. page: 52x59 cm. intact margin. price: 115.38 EURODecorative and highly detailed regional map, extending from Holstein and Lubeck in the west to Rugia and Pomerania in the east, and centered on Mecklenburg, Swerinensis, Vandalia, Rostochiense and Sta... |
te267. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 12x15 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
foltos/marked. |
te269. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 13x15 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te273. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 12x16 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te275. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 22x16 cm. page: 31x21 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia
a képmezőn kívül foltos/marked outside the picture. |
te276. map/Germany put into the basket Münster, Sebastian: Germany (Deutschland).Basel. 1558. wood engraving.size: 10x13 cm. page: 31x20 cm. price: 15.38 EUROCosmographia. |
te378. map/Germany put into the basket Blaeu: Oldenburg Comitatus.Amsterdam. 1635. copper engraving.size: 38x50 cm. page: 41x54 cm. in blue paspartu. price: 153.85 EUROAttractive map of Oldenburg, also depicting Bremen. From the French edition of Willem Blaeu's atlas "Theatrum". |
te379. map/Germany put into the basket Blaeu: Monasteriensis Episcopatus.Amsterdam. 1635. copper engraving.size: 38x49 cm. page: 42x55 cm. in blue paspartu. minimaly stained outside the picture. price: 179.49 EUROAttractive map of Munster from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" or "Novus Atlas". |
te522. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson, Nicolas: Partie Occidentale Du Palatinat Et Eslectorat Du Rhein Le Duché De Simmeren, Les Comtés De Spanheim Et de Veldentz A La Maison Palatine.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 42x53 cm. page: 50x64 cm. minimaly stained outside the picture. price: 92.31 EURO |
te523. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson, Nicolas: Partie Orientale Du Temporel De L'Archevesché Et Eslectorat De Treves.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 41x54 cm. page: 50x64 cm. intact margin. price: 92.31 EURO |
te524. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson, Nicolas: Haute Partie De L'Eveschéde Munster.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 41x54 cm. page: 51x64 cm. intact margin. price: 92.31 EURO |
te525. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson, Nicolas: Basse Partie De L'Evesché De Munster Et Le Comté De Benthem.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 42x54 cm. page: 51x64 cm. intact margin. price: 92.31 EURO |
te570. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Principatus Calenberg et Grubenhagen, Comitatus Schauenburg Episcopatus Hildesiani et adjacentium terrarum descriptio georaphicacura et impensis.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 26x19 cm. page: 29x22 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te571. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Ducatus Brunsuicensis juxta tres suos Principatus Calenbergic.nimir.et Grubenhagens. (sub Electore Brun.Lunaeb.Hanoverano) ac Guelpherbitanum (Duce Br.Lunaeb.Guelpherbitano).Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x26 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te572. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Trevirensis Archi-Episcopatus et Electoratus juxta omnes suas Praefecturas cum confini tractu.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 20x26 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te574. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Mappa Circuli Rhenani Superiorisin quo oculis sistuntur landgr:Hasso-Cassel Darmstadiens:Rhenofeld: Abbatai Fuldensis, cura et stilo.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 20x26 cm. page: 22x30 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te575. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Palatinatus Iferior, sive Electoratus Palatinus ad Rhenum cum adjacentibus Archi=Episcopatu Moguntino Episco: Spirensi, et Wormatiensi Cura et Studio.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x26 cm. page: 22x30 cm. in claret paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te577. map/Germany put into the basket Seutter, Matthäus: Episcopatus Pader=Bornensis.Augsburg. 1744. border colored copper engraving.size: 19x25 cm. page: 22x29 cm. in green paspartu. price: 71.79 EURO |
te849. map/Germany put into the basket Brion De La Tour, Louis:: L'Alemagne Divisee En Tous Se Cercles.Paris. 1766. border colored copper engraving.size: 22x25 cm. page: 29x38 cm. in green paspartu. intact margin. price: 102.56 EURO |
te1105. map/Germany put into the basket Lotter: Saxoniae Superioris ....Electoralis Circulus: cum adiacentibus Ducatibus et Provinciis, simulque diligentissime annotatis Postarum Cursus et Stationes.Augsburg. 1745. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 54x68 cm. price: 115.38 EURO |
te1106. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: OSELLAE FLUMINIS TABULA SPECIALIS IN QUA ARCHIEPISCOPATUS ET ELECTORATUS TREVIRENSIS.Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 51x59 cm. shabby. implosion on the margin. price: 64.1 EURO |
te1107. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Brunsuicensis in tres fuos Grubenhag.Nürnberg. ca.1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 48x56 cm. page: 51x59 cm. trimmed. implosion on the margin. price: 64.1 EURO |
te1109. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Exactissima Palatinatus ad Rheinum.Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 47x56 cm. page: 51x60 cm. stained outside the picture. trimmed. price: 115.38 EURO |
te1110. map/Germany put into the basket Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Iuliaci & Bergensis Tabula Geographica, simul Ducatum Cliviae & Meursiae Principatum ... Ducat. Limburgensis.Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.size: 55x46 cm. page: 59x51 cm. damaged. price: 89.74 EURO |
te1112. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson Nicolas: PARTIE ORIENTALE DU PALATINAT ET ESLECTORAT DU RHEIN. LES ÉVESCHÉS DE SPIRE, DE WORMES ET LE COMTÉ DE LINANGE.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 39x52 cm. page: 51x65 cm. price: 153.85 EURO |
te1113. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson Nicolas: Le Cercle de Franconie.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 51x84 cm. page: 64x98 cm. clean, sharp issue. price: 230.77 EURO |
te1114. map/Germany put into the basket Sanson Nicolas: La Basse Partie du Cercle du Haut Rhein.Paris. 1692. border colored copper engraving.size: 51x84 cm. page: 64x100 cm. clean, sharp issue. price: 230.77 EURO |
te1173. map/Germany put into the basket Birken: Der Donau Strand.Nürnberg. 1683. copper engraving.size: 8x9 cm. page: 13x13 cm. stained. folded. price: 15.38 EURO |
te1264. map/Germany put into the basket Münster: Die Statt Rusach.Basel. ca.1560. wood engraving.size: 24x34 cm. page: 33x40 cm. damaged. price: 30.77 EURO |
te1314. map/Germany put into the basket Bodenehr, Gabriel: München mit der Gegend.Ausburg. 1700. copper engraving.size: 16x26 cm. page: 20x32 cm. in green paspartu. price: 46.15 EURO |